Chapter 2

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"To show, that even the strongest among us, cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, this year's tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors." I run to the kitchen and get everything I can carry and I throw it at the hologram. I want to break it, I want one of the shards to get to the President and kill him, I want to bring him back to life and kill him again, for hurting me and my Annie.

She starts screaming and covering her ears, curing into a ball on the ground, the way she does when she doesn't want to hear something. Mags drops her knitting and stares at the TV, her face gone pale. I just keep throwing plates in a mad fit of rage. I start yelling, too.

"How dare he! How dare he bring us back! Fuck him and fuck the Capitol!" I yell, knowing that he can't hear me. Tears start falling down my cheeks and I keep going, throwing anything I can reach. I continue until there's nothing left for me to break and the room is a mess. Suddenly, Annie collapses.

I run to her aid, picking her up and carrying her upstairs. He broke her again! How dare he break her like that! I think as I climb the stairs with Mags on my heels. Tears start falling again, but these are for her. For her suffering, just like she cries often for mine. I put her in bed and crawl in with her, holding her, trying to protect her from the world.

Mags comes in about half an hour later, and there are dry tears on her cheeks. Mags never cries, not ever. I swallow nervously, worried about my Annie. Mags sits beside her and holds her hand, putting a wet cloth on her forehead.

Annie slowly opens her eyes, but knowing her, it won't last. Not that it's a bad thing. I love Annie more than anything. I love her aqua eyes and red hair and freckles, and her love of the beach and shells and knots, and the way she smiles and the way she races me and the way she laughs, and I hate to see her suffer.

Realization hits her and she starts screaming again. I start crying because she's in so much pain. She's screaming and crying and I can't help her. I'm a horrible slut that she doesn't deserve. Finally, she faints again.

After an hour, Mags leaves to make dinner. Annie moves restlessly, like she's been doing for the past half an hour. I try to stay awake, but my nerves and the fact that it's late win me over.

I feel something moving, and I think Annie might be waking up. I open my eyes, which are empty now. There are no tears left in me. I turn to face her, then I hug her and I hold her close, savoring every bit of time we have left.

"Annie." I whisper because I like her name and I will never get tired of hearing it.

"Finnick." She whispers back. I know I love the way she says it, full of love.

I hold her and let her hold me. It's one of those times when I remember that Annie is stronger than me. She has been through more than I have, and she's still here to tell the tale. Finally, I say:

"They're going to pick us. I know they are. The results will be rigged or something, but they will pick us. Snow probably can't wait to see us die. Don't worry, Annie. I won't let anyone hurt you, ever."

"Stop! Just stop talking about the Arena! Please!" She cries. I hurt her. I hurt my Annie. I don't deserve to live. I'm about to apologize, but her eyes go blank and I know she's Away. I wait for her like I always do, tucking her hair behind her ears and putting my forehead to hers, breathing her air and looking into her eyes. I whisper words to her, apologizing. Finally, she moves slightly and I know she's back.

"I'm so sorry, love. I didn't know it would hurt you. I'm sorry, Annie." I whisper to her.

"It's ok. It's not your fault." I start sobbing like a baby because I love her so much. And she loves me back. And even though we'll never be perfect, our love is perfect for me. And it will vanish in six months, when I die and she wins.

Waves Breaking Over Rocks Part 2Where stories live. Discover now