Chapter 13

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"Run! Run! The fog is poison!" When I fully wake up, I am already standing. Finnick is gripping my arm as tightly as possible and he's starting to run, dragging me after him. I look around and see a grey fog coming closer. It's poison.

"Peeta!" I hear Katniss scream. Peeta can't run any more. He's out of breath. Katniss stops to help him get up, but the fog is catching up to them. Finnick drags me forward and, finally, Katniss gets Peeta up. Sadly, the fog gets to them. Suddenly, they start screaming and huge white blisters appear on their skin. We all run away, but Katniss is having trouble holding up Peeta. Finnick is still leading me on, so I turn around to check on the other couple. At that moment, I trip on a twig and fall to the ground. Finnick keeps running, unaware that I'm not following him.

"Finnick!" I scream. He stops and turns to look at me, but at that moment, the fog catches up to me. I am blinded by pain. It's as if my muscles are on fire and everything is that horrible fog. I scream and scream because it hurts and I can't get up. My legs don't work. I hear more screaming, but this time, it isn't me. I'm getting lifted up.

The little energy I can muster, I use to hold on to my rescuer. After a few trips and a lot of pain, we are out of the fog. Finnick, who was obviously the one to come back for me, is carrying me through the jungle.

I try not to cry, but fail. The tears burn the blisters on my cheeks so badly I want to scream. I stop crying as soon as I am able to. I turn my head to check on Katniss and Peeta. They are right behind us. Katniss is practically carrying Peeta, though, and she doesn't look so good, either.

Finnick trips over a rock and we tumble down a hill. We hold on to each other until we hit the ground. Katniss and Peeta tumble after us.

When I get up, I notice we are in a clearing with a lake, only a few yards away from the beach.

"Finnick?" I point to the water, but he doesn't lift his head. He just lies on the ground, still.

I check his pulse. His heart is beating. I put my hand on his chest. He's still breathing.

My whole body hurts, but I make myself walk over to Katniss and Peeta. They're awake, but I can see they're in pain. At least they're not unconscious.

Next, I decide to go to the little lake. I reach to touch the water with my hand, but the second my hand makes contact with the water, it feels like there is a fire. I force myself to keep my hand in the water. I don't know why. Maybe it's a way of proving to myself that I'm not weak.

After a few seconds, the pain stops and, in its place, I feel pleasure, as if the poison is leaving me. I look at the water. It's turning white, slowly. I rub my hand because the blisters are staring to disappear. I realize the fog is actually coming out and mixing with the water.

I submerge myself in the water. At first, the pain is blinding, especially in my stomach region, but then I feel the relief that accompanies the poison leaving my body. When it's all out, I run back to the others, who are moaning on the floor, covered in blisters. Finnick isn't even conscious yet. Thank goodness. If he was, he would be screaming and we would be found.

I help Katniss get up first, against my will, which tells me to help Finnick. I help her down, whispering soothing words to her. She doesn't scream when she gets in, but her face shows the pain I had felt. She stays in the water after the pain has faded, instead of helping me with Peeta. I drag Peeta in after her. I struggle with him because he is heavy, but we make it. He lets out a little moan or two, but it's not loud enough for the others to hear him. I leave him in the water as well, and practically run to Finnick's aid. I carry him as gently as possible to the lake, hoping he stays unconscious as I clean away the poison.

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