Chapter 12

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Annie doesn't usually have facial expressions when she is Away. This time is different. Five minutes ago, she looked like she was in pain. Now, she looks calm, if somewhat happy.

I wish, against my will, for her to remain like that forever, happy in ignorance. Sadly, she wakes up moments later. At first, her expression is confused, then sad, like all her hopes had been crushed, which they probably have been. I will never know what she sees or how it feels like to live in a different reality that could be whisked away from you at any moment. I just know it's hard.

She stands up and walks away, in a direction opposite to the beach, deeper into the jungle.

I catch up with her, feeling sorry for her. I try to hold her hand because that always calms her and maybe, this time it will work as well. She lets go and starts moving a little faster, leaving me sad and heartbroken. She rejected me, I think. We have been together for years and she has never turned me down. What must be wrong that makes it different?

Oh, right. We are in the place of our nightmares with twenty-two people who want to kill us, and we know we won't both get out alive.

I think for a while, about maybe telling her of the plot. It's not that I don't trust her. It's that, if the mission fails, she will be tortured for information. My heart wrenches at the thought of the mission failing. If anything goes wrong and they can't get her out in time...

I catch up with her again and try to talk.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No, just mad in general, or hasn't your little friend told you that yet?!" Oh. This is about Katniss.

I feel terrible with the realization. She is angry because I chose our allies without her, and on top of that, they call her crazy. I hate myself more than usual right now, and I just want to punch Katniss in the face.

"Listen, I had no choice!" I try.

"Oh, really?! You didn't have a choice?! Instead of helping each other survive, you got too caught up in playing allies, didn't you?! I know you don't need my help, Finnick, but I was expecting a little more from you!" I don't know what to do. Anger is not an emotion we are familiar with. I don't know how to deal with something I have never seen before.

"I guess I'm sorry, then."

"Ok." She doesn't say anything else after that. We walk in silence for a couple of hours.

Peeta goes ahead, slashing at the wilderness with his machete. He doesn't seem to get too tired, I suppose I underestimated him.

I try thinking of ways to get Annie to forgive me, but I know she has every right to be angry.

"Peeta, no!" At that same instant, we hear a blast and Peeta is blown backwards, knocking right into Annie. I run to help them, but Annie is already up and taking his pulse. Her eyes widen and I realize what just happened.

"He's not breathing! He's not breathing!" Katniss goes crazy, fretting over him her hand on his chest. She's crying, sobbing almost. I lock eyes with Annie like we had learned to do over the years. You know what to do, she tells me.

We move at once. We are a team again. She manages to pull Katniss away. Katniss kicks at her but Annie doesn't let go. She knows I need time.

I go to Peeta and put my mouth over his, taking deep breaths and blowing air into his lungs. Finally, it dawns on Katniss that we're not trying to hurt Peeta. She relaxes into the older girl's arms and Annie lets her. After a lot of CPR, Peeta finally starts breathing. Katniss jumps out of Annie's arms and throws herself at Peeta.

"You were right, Annie." I whisper to her. "Katniss does love Peeta. Maybe she doesn't know that yet, but she loves him." I remember an argument we'd had long ago.

The Victory Tour was over and we were watching the recap. Annie hadn't believed me when I told her there were two victors, but she had refused to watch the Games. So, instead, we watched the recaps of the Tour. I told her that, rumor was, Katniss didn't really love Peeta. That is what I had believed. After half an hour of watching, Annie told me Katniss did love Peeta. She said that Katniss didn't know, but that, deep inside, she loved him. I disagreed.

Now, I've been proved wrong.

It seems that Annie has finally forgiven me. She takes my hand and we walk, giving the other two some privacy.

I sit with my back to a tree and Annie sits next to me with half of her body on mine. We just cuddle, something we haven't done for a long time, until the Sun sets. Then, we go back to where we left Katniss and Peeta. He is asleep with his head on her lap. She is fiddling with his hair, looking careless and calm for the first time since she got in the Arena.

"I hate to interrupt but it's time we make camp. Katniss, did you find anything to eat?"

"No. Just a rat. I don't even know if it's edible." She answers. At least she found something. Not much, but if I give my share to Annie, maybe she will not starve.

"How is the baby?" Annie asks. Katniss looks confused for a second, but she quickly covers it. I can tell Annie sees right through her, but it was kind of her to ask.

"He -or she- is fine." I look at Annie and realize she's not done asking. Maybe she wants to get back at Katniss. I don't know how she will do it, but she will.

I find out when they start talking about the baby. It seems Annie will never run out of questions, though. Katniss is starting to look worried, but Annie is having the time of her life. She looks at me smugly. That's enough, love.

She seems to get the message.

She comes to me and says:

"I need to tell you something." She doesn't look worried, so I suppose it's not urgent. "How about Annie and I get first watch and you two sleep?"

"Seems fair." Katniss replies.

After they're asleep, Annie starts talking:

"This is about what I saw while I was Away."

"What did you see? You looked like you were in pain."

"I was, at first. Then it was wonderful." Her eyes shine as she tells me her dream. "I had a baby. Our baby. His name was Seadon and he was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen."

"Could you describe him?"

"He was so tiny, with little chubby hands and feet. His eyes were grey like every other baby's, but I knew they would grow to be green. He had little to no hair and rosy skin. He looked like you, in a way. He was handsome and happy, and his eyes were full of joy. Do you think we'll ever have a baby like that, Finnick?"

"I don't doubt it."

"I'm tired."

"Sleep. I don't think Katniss will mind if I stay awake while you sleep."

"Good night." She looks like she wants to say more, but she turns around and closes her eyes. Five minutes later, she is asleep.

I think about our future and about Seadon. I want him so badly, and I can imagine Annie does, too.

Just when I thought Annie was out of surprises, she gives me yet another reason to keep fighting.

"Why is she asleep?" A voice asks from behind, interrupting my peaceful thoughts.

"She was tired. Don't worry, I stayed awake, Katniss."

I hear Katniss sigh in frustration.

"Your turn to keep watch, anyway. Are you going to wake Peeta?" I finally turn around to face her. She looks completely awake, like a huntress.

"Of course not. He almost died today."

"Yeah, you're welcome about that, by the way." I lie down next to Annie and close my eyes, thinking I could never sleep.

I was wrong.

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