Chapter 6

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I look into Annie's eyes, and the way they lighten up when I come to her, and I just feel like dying because I'm lying to her.

There's going to be a rebellion. About half of the victors already know, including Mags. I was recruited in the victory tour. Now, Beetee has just told me that there's a plan to get us out of the Arena. But the condition is that I have to give up my life for Katniss and Peeta, if necessary. I would do that to help the rebellion, but on my own condition and that is that they rescue Annie. In the case that someone tortures her enough to get out information, I haven't told her. No one will torture her if she doesn't know anything. No one can harm her if she's of no help. And if the revolution fails, they will catch me. Annie will be spared. So I haven't told her.

"Finnick, can we go now?" Annie whispers. Her face saddens me deeply, looking at her big sad eyes that are tired of being exposed to a public she doesn't care about.

"I'm sorry, love. No, we can't go back."

"Um, hello Finnick. You're Annie Cresta, right?" Says a beautiful woman with dark skin, who I think comes from District 11. I nod and she tells Finnick:

"Finnick, Johanna's with Nuts and Volts. I'll go with Chaff, you're strongest. You get the bird and the boy." This doesn't make any sense to me, but it seems to make sense to Finnick because his eyes darken.

"And what about Annie?"

"She's with me. Remind Heavensbee of my conditions. I will not help the cause if she's not saved."

"What are you talking about, Finnick?"

"Nothing, Annie. Please trust me." She doesn't believe me, but perfect as she is, she trusts me nonetheless.

We eat in silence, surrounded by other people who've gone mad like us. We hold hands under the table, giving each other much needed comfort. As I'm finishing my dinner, Johanna starts talking to Annie. I can't hear their conversation, but I'm getting worried.

After what feels like forever, we're allowed to go back to the tribute living quarters.

"Come on, everyone!" Garcia says the second we get out. She takes my arm and laces it around hers. I swallow bile at the memory of her fingers and her hands. I shudder, remembering all those times I said I loved her but never meant it and all those times she's touched me and I've touched her back like I did love her. But I only love Annie and I only want her and Garcia is getting in my way and I hate her almost as much as I hate President Snow.

We get home, or what is supposed to be our home now: the tribute quarters. I immediately go to my room and after making sure that Garcia isn't looking, Annie slips in behind me.

I sit on the bed and pat my legs as a sign that she should sit on them. She's not heavy at all, and when she leans back against my chest I finally relax. We fall asleep like that, in a sitting position, but we're finally together, even though we'll be separated once more by endless nightmares.

I'm in a cell, I think. There is something on my feet, making them stay still. It bothers me a lot that I can't move, but I look around the cell, nonetheless. It's not very big, but it's dark and eerie. It smells terrible, too. Other than that, the cell is empty. There's no toilet or mirror or bed, just the bars on one side that lead to a hallway, which is the only reason that there is light in the cell at all.

I hear footsteps, but I can't move anyway.

"See if your beloved Finnick comes to help you now." I hear a woman say from the hallway. There's no answer, but she's obviously not alone.

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