Chapter 10

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"It's ok, Annie. You can let go now." I say to her. I make soothingly rub my thumb over her hand as it goes slack, telling me that she's gone. Her speech was beautiful and terrifying and it made even me shiver. I had done the best I could do not to cry because it was simply so true. And I'm so impressed. She was so strong. Her voice was steady, and she didn't cry or whimper like I know she wanted to. Instead, she faced the people who traumatized her and killed her friends and then call her crazy, and she told them how awful they were. And, I think that if there is a little stray bit in those people that makes them human, she made them feel bad.

I silently watch people give their interviews. Some of them were sentimental, and some of them were strong, and all of them spoke out against the Games. People cried and people laughed and they gasped and it's all a little game inside their heads. But in their heart of hearts, if they even have them anymore, they felt bad when Peeta gave his interview.

"In fact, I wouldn't have any regrets at all, if it... if it wasn't..."

"If it wasn't for what, Peeta?"

"If it wasn't for the baby." If I hadn't known that Peeta was supposed to make something up, I would have been terrified. I suppose Katniss is 'pregnant' now, which will only make it harder to survive as allies. Oh well.

"How didn't we think of that?" Annie asks under her breath. I let out a short chuckle and she grips my hand harder. I suppose she's Back now. Thank God the interviews are almost over.

Finally, Peeta comes up after the commotion of the fake baby. Once there, he grabs Katniss's hand, who grabs the tribute from 11's, who grabs his partner's, and so on until someone grabs my hand and Annie grabs Beetee's hand and after a short time, all the Victors are united. I would be a fool to think that this would affect us in the Arena, but it feels nice to know that there are more people out there who have been through the same things. Then, all holding hands, we lift our arms into the air in unison as if to say: We are united.

The crowd goes crazy and we hear shouts of 'stop the Games!' It will never work, but we can hope. If there is anything Snow has taught me in the past 5 years, it's that hope is stronger than fear.

Later that day....

I sit on the bed next to Annie, finally resting my legs after a long day. I put my arm around her and we sit there, hoping no one will come in.

"I need a shower." I tell her after some time. I get up and walk to the bathroom, getting a bad feeling about leaving Annie alone. She has been alone before. She's strong, I tell myself. Still, I can't shake the feeling of dread.

When I walk out she is curled up in a ball on the floor and is visibly shaking.

"Finnick? Is that you or not?" I go to her, but she moves away.

"Annie, what's wrong?"

"You are the third Finnick I have seen walking out of there, but you are the first one that is alive."

"What? What are you talking about?" I'm so confused. What is wrong with her?

"Finnick..." Her eyes are big and afraid as she looks around the room and finally at me. "... I can't tell what is real anymore."

"I'm sorry? What do you mean?!" The truth starts dawning on me but I try to ignore it.

"You remember how before, I had nightmares and I went Away and I saw things? I knew they were just visions the moment I woke up. But now... I see dead tributes under the bed and blood on the curtains and my very memories are different. So much blood..."

This is bad, I think. This is very bad.

If she is in the Arena and she starts seeing things...

And she is suffering so much. I can't possibly imagine what it must be like to not be able to distinguish between the real and the fake. I need to help her, but how?

"We will get through thi-"

"Mags!" What?

Annie is looking at something on the floor, something I can't see.

"Where is Mags?"

"He-her head... on the floor."

"There is no one there, love." It hurts to see her in so much pain. How can I help her?

Suddenly, I have an idea.

"Simply ask me. Whenever you see something, or remember something strange. Ask me."

She nods and follows my instructions:

"Mags is dead. Real or not real?"

"Not real. She is safe and sound in District 4."

"Ok. We're in the Capitol. Real or not real?"

"Real. I'm so sorry, Annie." She looks sad, as if her worst fears have been realized.

"You don't have to be sorry." But I do. I didn't tell her about the rebellion.

A few days later...

"Finnick! Wake up! It's your big day!" Garcia calls from the hall. Annie wakes up slowly, then runs into the bathroom when she hears the door opening. "Oh, is it wrong that I'm sad that you are leaving?" She asks dramatically.

"Look, I don't have time for this. I need to get ready..." She frowns. Uh-oh. "... Sweetie." I try to please her.

"Don't worry, I completely understand. You need to get ready. Bye!" She blows me a kiss and leaves. Annie comes out and I see she spent her time well. Her hair is brushed and her teeth and face are clean. She looks sad and in pain but I imagine I look just as bad.

We walk to breakfast holding hand and, not for the first time, I don't want to eat. Even though the Capitol's breakfast looks delicious, I would give anything to be back home.

The Games are today, after all.

I sip my coffee quietly, enjoying what might be my last sugarcubes. Last night, I arranged everything so that Annie and I could be alone at breakfast. At least I got this.

"Finnick? We are going to the Hunger Games. Real or not real?"


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