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Sam's POV.

"Hey where's James?" Says Anna. I turn around and gasp because I see James lying on the ground. He groans then closes his eyes fully.
"James!" I run over to him and push the kid that was in front of him away.
"OI! Watch it!" He shouts. The boy had jet black hair with a blonde streak going up the left side. I think I've seen him before but I can't remember.
"Sam! What happened?" Anna comes over.
"I don't know, ask him!" I say as I point to that boy. Ugh! I hate being accusative! I say to myself. Anna goes over to him so I follow.
"Hey!" She smiles. He looks up at her and smiles back. "I don't mean to sound accusative but, do you know what happened to James?"
"James!?" He looks down. "AHH! James! I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you! I just-wait... I thought he went to Thorpe Hall?"
"He got transferred here but I don't why." I say. We both pick James up, wrap one of his arms my neck and the other around the boys.
"OH! I'm Matt Willis by the way!" Then I remember, the group of boys at the start of first year (including Benji) and the head calling them up to the front and Matt was one of them!
"Cool! I'm Sam! Nice to meet you!" I awkwardly smile at the 'Nice to meet you!' comment.
"So, I guess you were picked to help the new kid then."
"No! I volunteered!"
"Ohh,you volunteered!" He nudges me, grinning from ear-to-ear.
"NOO! Not like that! It's cus I felt sorry for him!" Matt bursts out laughing, nearly dropping James.
"Shit!" He gasps and picks him up again.

We both carry James to Matron and I wait outside while Matt explains everything. God! He looks so awkward! I think to myself. When he comes back out he's stuffing his signing card into his breast pocket.
"Damn!" I say.
"I know! What've you got next?" He replies.
"History, with Ms McGonigle!" I sigh.
"Ugh! HATE her!"
"Same!"He pauses. "Well, I've got English now so.. Bye then."
"Yeah!" I say. "Bye!"

We both walk down different corridors and into our classrooms.


soowaa! This a lil' late at night.. OH WELL! I still think this was kinda short but, I've introduced Matt [Lad], so it doesn't Matt-er (what even am I?)

I wrote this while listening to my great playlist 'Mc[BUSTED]Fly' and I'm happy bc McFly's cover of Mr Brightside is life!!

ANYWAYS! Goodnight friends and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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