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Matt's POV

"BENJI! BENJI! BENJI!" The whole of 9G are chanting. Harry and Benji are in the middle of the corridor with their sleeves rolled up. Benji's in stitches of laughter but Harry looks deadly serious. They've been messing about but Benji's taken it too far again. I don't really like Harry that much, but the shit he gets from Benji is really hard on his feelings. Harry swings his arm but just about misses Benji's nose. Blowout, I sigh under my breath. Then the teachers come. Harry bolts into the line, grabbing his blazer on the way past.
"9G and 9F are joining again." I sigh. "Bottom half of 9F goes with top of 9G.."
"WE'RE AT THE TOP!!!" James and Sam yell.
"AND I'M NEAR THE BOTTOM!!!" I reply excitedly.
"Right class go on in!" Shouts Mr Morris. Then he says something in French, which no one understands.

James' POV

I feel excited as I walk into Mr Morris' classroom.
"Just sit anywhere 9G-F!" He booms across the classroom.

"9Geoff[A/N- HA! Jeff I'm not funny I know that..]" Sam remarks, making us all crack up with laughter. I sit beside Sam and Matt sits at the table to the right of me. Unfortunately, Benji's in front of me and Harry's in front of Matt.
"Ooh. Tu adores Sam?" Benji jeers.
"NON! Il n'adore pas moi, Tu cunt!" replies Sam, making Matt burst out laughing.
"Harry! Please don't have Matt sitting on his own. Everyone needs a French partner." Says Mr Morris. Harry picks up his school bag and slams them down beside Matt.
"Sup!" He says. Matt puts his head down, facing Sam and I.


Aww poor Harry! Don't worry, during French they get friendlier. OOH! And a certain someone is introduced!! Out of McFly!!
I'll leave you all with that thought!!

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