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Decided to do two midweek chapters as I might not be updating as much next week because I have exams in two weeks.. So, chapter 16! I hope you enjoy it!!

Matt's POV

I laugh as I skip down the corridor. Sam and I are life savers for James. I thought Dougie was gonna start on him but thankfully Sam stepped in. Dougie probably thought James was eyeing up Max. He wasn't because, I think James has a little soft spot for Sam. So he was probably just day dreaming.
I look behind me and see Harry, Anna, Dougie and Max running to catch up with me. I turn my look-around into a ballerina jump, James laughs so I wink at him.

Max's POV

Matt seems funny enough and Anna! But the two behind don't seem too friendly at all! The girl, Sam, is really jumpy and has an irritating. But I guess she's nice because of what Dougie's told me. James is just a new kid trying to make friends, or he could already know Matt! But he really doesn't look like an estate kid.
"Here! Watch this!" Matt yells. He try's to do one of those click-your-heel-jumps but fails and kicks himself.
"SHIT! FUUNKLEBUCKETTS!" He shouts. We all laugh.
"Funklebuckets? I think you mean something else!" Laughs Harry.
"Yeah I do but.. We're in school Harry."
"Never thought you could be such a goody two shoes Matt." Anna grins.
"Shut up! I'm not!" Matt protests, folding his arms like a stroppy kid who hasn't got the ice cream they really wanted. Dougie laughs and puts his arms around Matt and Harry.
"We're just taking the piss! C'mon let's go!" That's why I love Doug. He's so understanding, most of the time, when he's not around popular people. And he knows how to calm down a heated situation but he also knows how to make it hotter too!

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