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Anna's POV

Why am I the only one who likes Harry? I think to myself as I'm walking to the girls toilets. I see Mr Morris' classroom so I look in. Matt sees me and secretly waves.
I always liked Matt in primary school but as it got nearer to the end of the last year, he started to act a bit cocky. He stopped talking to to most of the people in in our class, all the shy and unpopular freaks. Then he started taking his skateboard into school and showing off in the playground at breaks and lunch.
But I guess I should thank him, well, he did introduce me to Harry Judd. But then he turned against him at the the start of this year, making me feel like it was my fault.

I look back in and see James laughing, but he's also sitting beside Sam. I joke about and make heart shapes with my hands. James looks at Matt really quickly before falling off his chair with laughter.
"Anna! You're supposed to be going to the toilet!" Suzanna Watt comes out.
"Oh! Right yeah!" I call back. Swat! I mutter under my breath.

Matt's POV

After doing a little work, a boy with short, brown, spiked up hair walks in. I look up at him, and I see Harry grinning at him.
"Yes, Thank you Dougie! Who was this from again?" Says Mr Morris.
"Mrs Florence Sir!" Says 'Dougie'.
That's why I like Mr Morris, he addresses everyone by what their friends call them. Unlike Ms McGonigle, who calls me 'Matthew' instead off Matt.

Sam's POV

I recognise 'Dougie', he's one of the skater kids you see on Saturdays at the market. I sat and watched him once, he fell off into the well and broke his wrist, and his board. Until it was better, we sat and drank milkshakes while discussing bands and stuff.
He looks about himself and sees me, while Mr Morris is reading out the note, he winks at me in his cheeky way. I smile back and look around myself. I see James, who seems to be glaring at Dougie. I pat his shoulder, soothingly, because I know he could still be a bit shaken from break time. He looks up at me. I stop massaging his shoulder and stare into his clear blue eyes. I feel our hands intertwine, he squeezes mine then quickly lets go and jolts his neck down towards his desk.

James' POV

A boy walks into the classroom, I notice as I gaze about. I hear he's called 'Dougie' and I also see him winking at Sam. I start to burn up and feel sorta dizzy. But I don't know why I'm getting so annoyed over a friendly wink! It's not like Sam's my girlfriend or anything.
I feel someone rubbing my shoulder. It's really calming. I look up to see Sam, I can't look away. Her eyes are so beautiful. I feel my hand slipping into hers, Shit! James, what're you doing! I clench her hand but quickly let go and put my head down, nearly whacking my nose off the desk. I wish I could head butt the desk until I black out. Then I'd go home, and back to Thorpe Hall and everything would be fine again!
But it wouldn't, I squeeze my eyes closed, trying to block out the horrible memories.



Oops, that was a long chapter! Because I put two chapters into one!! *grins*

I update so late at night!!

ALSO!! Apologies for not writing yesterday, I was at my town's Christmas light switch-on and I was home really late..

But anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter so, GOODNIGHT!!

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