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I'm half sorry/half happy to say that this is the last chapter of this book..
But there will be a sequel I promise!

Charlie's POV

I'm really worried about James. I check the time. 12:50, no time for lunch then. I shortcut through the estate even though I'm gonna be late anyway.

I arrive a school half an hour late. What the hell? I've never been this late before! I go into Physics, prepared for getting yelled at, when Alex comes out. He scowls at me then pushes past.
When I go in, I lie and say that there was bad traffic and I got onto the wrong bus which started moving before I realised, and it stopped about a mile away from school, basically Rosefield, so then I had to walk through the estate, which is actually true. Finally, the road infront of the school was really busy, which is also true, so shut up!
Guess what, I got away with it! Though Josh did open his mouth to grass on me but I sort of death stared him out of it.

James' POV

I know I'm not in school but I remember having the sensation of being in a moving vehicle. I don't think I'm in hospital, it's too quiet. Maybe I'm in a coma! But, can people think when they're in comas? Probably not. I listen harder but all I can hear is my blood moving about and my breathing pace. Which is suprisingly quick. I sigh to slow it down and decide to open my eyes.
It takes a while to adjust to the darkness but when it finally does I realise I'm in my bedroom.
"James!" Mum must've heard me sigh. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah!" I mumble. "My head's a bit sore though."
"Do you want a drink?"
"Please!" I sit up and look about. "What time is it?"
"Half seven, do you want tea?"
"As in food tea or tea tea?" I hear her laugh from the landing.
"Food tea James!" She knows I mean yes! "Be back in a minute."

She arrives a little while later with a pot noodle and a glass of water on a tray.
"So what exactly happened to me?" I ask her.
"Well!" She laughs worriedly. " Your school matron said you fainted in the playground at lunch."
I nod as I take a sip of the water.
"Well, I'll leave you to finish eating okay?" She leans forward and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight."

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