Chapter #3

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A/N: Because this is technically part two of chapter 2 their will be no theme song to listen to but their will definitely be one next chapter! Other than that. Hope you enjoy!


Riley pov

Ben, Ms. Wheeler, Tucker and I all sit on the couch in the boys apartment with Emma in my arms. Danny still wearing his suit from the Mary Hart Show paces in front of us. And let me tell you, he was not happy. He ended up loosing Hailey when he ran after her and no one has any idea where she is." I want to know who was the first person to know about Hailey being pregnant." Danny demands, sternly not giving any of us eye contact. Tucker, Bonnie and Ben all look at me as I slouch, guilty. I swallow heard, putting my hand up. "I might have been the first person to know." 

"Well, since I just found out, I don't really think I belong here." Ben takes Emma away from me. "I'm with you." Tucker gets up. Ms. Wheeler grabs Tucker and I grab Ben making them sit back down. "If we go down." Ms. Wheeler says. "We're taking you down with us." I add.

They both nod, and shift getting comfortable. "Riley, I cant believe you didn't tell me." Danny looks down at me angrily. I stand up, and he turns his back to me, walking into the kitchen. "Danny, I know and I'm-"

"Riley, you're suppose to be my best friend!" He yells, his face as red as a tomato. "Danny, I know." I run my fingers through my hair. "But Hailey is my best friend too. And you cant be mad at me for that. Danny, she is scared and she was panicking.  You should have saw that look she had on her face, when she looked at the pregnancy test. She looked so scar-" I stop and look into his sad, fearful eyes. "The look in your eyes you have right now."

"Oh my god." I gasp as he leans on the counter. "I'm so sorry, Danny. I should have said something the moment I found out."

 "Well all should have." Ms. Wheeler walks into the kitchen with the boys and they stand behind me. Danny sighs, looking down. "It's okay... it's just... we use to be so close... tell each other everything.  And now she's just gone.. I mean she ran so fast.. it was like she disappeared."  He looks up at us. "I can't help but think.. what happened to us? I know I hurt her but the fact she can't even talk to me about something as serious as this.. is really eye opening."

"Awww, Sweetheart." Ms. Wheeler stands beside him and rubs his back. "A heart break changes a girl forever."

"But you can change this, Danny. Believe it or not, her having your baby might end up being the best thing that ever happened to the both of you." Ben tells him. I look at Ben who smiles at Emma. "Because Emma is definitely the best thing that happened to me." I smile as he kisses Emma on the forehead.

"What if I'm not as good of a father as Ben." Danny says. "Honestly, Honey. There isn't a rule book to parenting. The best you can do is try." Bonnie tells him.

"And just like we were here for Ben. We'll be here for you." Tucker says and I go over and touch Danny's hand. "Tucker's right." He smirks, nodding. "Thanks guys. But we have one problem." 

"What?" Ben asks. 

"We need to find the mother of my child, if I'm going to be a father." 

"Ohhh right!" We all remember Hailey is missing. "Ben and I will check her store." I say looking at Ben who nods. Ben and I walk out of the kitchen and I grab my purse as he puts Emma in her stroller. "Tucker and I will check the parks. She's into that deep nature stuff." Ms. Wheeler says grabbing her purse off the counter and walking toward the door with Tucker behind her. They leave first and Ben follows them. I look back at Danny who's still standing in the kitchen before I walk out. "We'll find her. I promise." I assure him. He nods, slightly and I turn around leaving.

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