Chapter #8

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A/N: Guest starring in this Chapter is Paula Patton as Sydney (Hailey's Sister) and Lynn Whitfield (Denise Martin, Hailey's Mom) If you don't know who they are, I put a picture above and just a reminder Hailey is played by Zoe Saldana. Above is also Hailey's maternity outfit. This chapter is kind of sad but still positive and happy, so don't worry. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Bonnie pov

I walk into the boy's apartment to see Tucker in the kitchen making out with Heather. I shake my head, slamming the door shut. They instantly break apart and turn their attention to me. "Hi, Ms. Wheeler!" Heather laughs nervously. "Hello to you." I reply putting my purse on the couch, smiling creepily. Tucker rolls his eyes. "What are you doing here? Danny and Ben aren't here."

"Tucker, be nice." Heather hits his arm softly. "Yeah, be nice Tucker." I walk into the kitchen. 

"I'm not here for Ben. But I am here for Danny and Hailey." I go to the fridge and get  a water. "They're on their way back from Hailey's doctor's appointment. She's five months now so, they're finding out the genders. I finally get to name them." 

"Oh yeah, that's right that was your Christmas gift." Tucker rolls his eyes. I smirk. "Bitter are we, Tuck?" He crosses his arms over his chest as Heather smirks. "I think she's having boys." says Heather. Tucker shakes his head as I drink some of my water. "She's obviously having girls."

"No she has to be having boys. She's huge." Heather retorts. "Well duh, she's having twins." Tucker says in a obviously voice. "Okay both of you are wrong. It's obviously a girl and a boy." I interject. "What makes you so sure?" Heather asks. I smile, flipping my hair over my shoulder. "Bonnie always know."

Tucker pulls his wallet out and takes out a twenty, looking at Heather and I. "Twenty bucks says they're girls." He bets. "Loser gets all." Heather takes out her wallet. "Alright, deal." The apartment door opens and we look to see Danny and Hailey walking in. Danny was holding her hand as she pants holding her stomach. "Watch and learn kids." I wink at Heather and Tucker.

"So, tell me what I'm working with." I go into the living room while Danny helps Hailey sit down. "Give her a minute, mom." Danny closes the door. "Elevators are broken. We had to take the stairs."

I sit down down next to Hailey and she nods taking a deep breath. "It's fine. I'm fine." She assures me. I nod, telling her to go on and tell me. Danny sits beside her and they face me. "So, we're having a girl... And a boy!" Hailey reveals excitedly. "Yes!" I stand up. "Damn it." Heather and Tucker exclaim in unison. They come out of the kitchen and give me their twenties. "I told you, Bonnie knows her grandkids."

"You bet on my children?" Danny asked. "Oh sweetie. Of course I did." I pat him on the shoulder. "Alright, time for the names." I get on my knees. "What is she doing?" I hear Heather whisper. "Shh!" I tell her. Everybody gets quiet and I put my head on Hailey's stomach thinking of a name while rubbing my hand on her tummy. I close my eyes thinking real hard and finally I got it. I stand up. "Okay. I have the perfect names." I clap. "Isabella and Ian."

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