Chapter #22

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This chapter is dedicated to queenbeemia

Song above just goes along with how Hailey feels, you don't have to listen to it but I just wanted to put it up there! Enjoy the story!!

Hailey pov



"Hailey, wake up."


I groan, getting awaken from my sleep. "Go away." I mumble, not wanting to be bothered. 

"Girl, if you don't get up." I hear instantly knowing it's Tucker. I open my eyes, "This better be-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I jump as Ben pulls a party popper and confetti falls down on me like rain. There they were, Tucker, Riley, Heather, Brad, Bonnie, Emma, Ben and the Twins, staring at me happily obviously more excited about my birthday than me.  

"Thank guys..can I go back to sleep now?" 

Brad frowns. "Not what I was expecting." 

I roll my eyes, laying back down. 


I put down my fork, chewing some eggs from my breakfast

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I put down my fork, chewing some eggs from my breakfast. Tucker cooked me some Pancakes, Bacon, and Eggs for a Birthday breakfast. "Thanks Tucker." I say appreciatively. He frowns along with Riley, Ben, and Heather. "Honey, you only took one bite." Heather tells me pointing. I look down at my plate to see the plate is basically still full of food.

"I know." I run my fingers through my hair. "I'm just not hungry, I guess." 

"I've been hearing you say that a lot lately." Ben says looking concerned. "When is the last time you ate?" I shrug. "I don't know, probably the last time I slept, which feels like ages ago." 

Danny and I have been on opposite sides of the fence, ever since our huge fight. We just walk past each other like complete strangers, no calls, no texts, no communication unless it has something to do with the twins. He's been crashing at Tucker, sometimes he sleeps here on the couch but it's usually when he falls asleep babysitting the kids. 

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