Chapter #20

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Hailey pov

"Back in the play pen you go." I say sitting Ian next to Isabella who was playing with their toys. Ian starts whining and holding his hands out to me. I get on my knees, leaning inside the play pen. "Don't give me that. Every time I take you out, you get the crawling, and get into things. I spent all night baby proofing this whole apartment, and yet somehow you end up in something." His lip starts to quiver and I quickly put his pacifier in his mouth, so I won't cave in and pick up. He becomes content with being in the playpen and begins playing with is toys. I smile, and give him on a kiss on the forehead. 

That has been my life lately, trying to keep my crawling eighth month years old's from getting into things, and possibly getting hurt, and or dying. They grow up so fast, I miss the days when they would try to crawl only to fall on their stomachs. Which was technically just a week, but you get what I'm trying to say. 

I walk back into the kitchen to finish putting icing on the Red Velvet cake I made for Danny. It is Valentine's Day and I'm really excited. I got Danny the perfect gift and I can't wait to give it to him. 

The apartment door opens and I look to see Riley, Heather, Bonnie and Emma holding flowers and Heart Shaped boxes of Chocolate Candy, also smiling eagerly. "Guess what day it is?" Heather asked. 



Riley pov

"So I see you all got gifts." Hailey says as we put our flowers and candy on the counter in front of her. "And I got this diamond bracelet." I say holding my wrist out to her. I then pick up Emma, holding out her arm. "Ben got Emma one too." 

Heather moved her hair, showing the diamond earrings in her ear. "Tucker got me these." 

"And I got both." says Bonnie showing her ears, and holding out her wrist. "What'd you get?" I ask, eager to see what Hailey got. She holds up the cake she was putting icing on. "I'm made a cake for Danny." I put Emma down, and she runs over to Isabella and Ian's playpen as the three of us exchange a look. "Not what we were expecting." Heather says with a frown. 

There's a knock on the door and her eyes widen with excitement, putting her cake down. We watch as she runs over to the door, greeting the mailman that had a huge long box standing beside him. "Package for Hailey Martin." he says with a clipboard in his hand. "Bring it in." Hailey told him, taking the clipboard and stepping to the side. As he brought the box in, she signed the clipboard. Once she was done, he left and she closed the door being him. 

We walked over as Hailey began to rip the box open. "And I got him this." she says pulling out a hockey stick. "Ooooo." I say taking it away. "Hailey this is beautiful." comments Bonnie. The Hockey stick was Blue, Red and White like his Jersey Colors, and had his Jersey Number: 23 on it.

"Wait, there's something else at the end." Heather says taking the Hockey stick away from me. She turns it upside,  "To my Superman, Love Hailey." she read. "Awww." we say looking at Hailey. She shrugs taking it away and putting it back in the box. "It's nothing, really." 

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