Chapter #17

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Starring in this episode is Matt Boomer as Matthew Carson

Starring in this episode is Matt Boomer as Matthew Carson

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Warning might be a small sad part in this

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Warning might be a small sad part in this. Not too sad, in my opinion. Just giving a deeper glimpse into parts of Hailey's life that she doesn't talk about. This chapter also gives you, information (I know it's been a while) on where the couples are in their relationships. Think of this as a drama filled, semi comedy informative chapter. And remember Emma is not in this chapter because she is with her Mom. Other than that, I hope you enjoy!

P.S From now on if a more than one day passes in the chapter, because of the update of wattpad (Thank god!) I will post in between chapters when the outfit changes!

Hailey pov

"All I'm saying is you should happy for her." Danny says making me roll my eyes. I lean my head on the car window, staring forward. Since we live in NY and basically walk everywhere we didn't have a car but we had to buy two rental cars because we were going to my..Mother's new Boyfriend's house for Thanksgiving back home in NJ. Riley, Brad, Bonnie, Tucker, and Heather were in the other rental behind us.

Apparently the guy was also a business man and sits on top of a huge pile of money. As you can see by Danny's words, I am not happy with this situation, and no it's not because he's rich and he sits on a huge pile of money.

"I am happy for my mother Danny." I retort. "I am glad that she's found someone to love her. It's just a little weird, because the only man I've ever seen her with is my Father." Hearing babbling, I look back at the twins car seats, smiling. They are now five months, and have been growing up, quickly and healthy. They're starting to be able to grab things, and are also talking a lot.

"I know that this is hard for you." Danny says, making me my roll my eyes for what seemed like the 100th time during this whole entire road trip. He's been telling me how, I should be supportive, and happy for my Mother and to try and be nice which is weird because I am the nicest person you could meet. Yeah I'm not ecstatic, that my mother is dating but how you feel if you only saw your mother with one man in your whole entire life, and all of a sudden she's dating a stranger. Apparently, they've been dating for like two months, and I'm just finding out about this.

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