Chapter #25

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Hailey pov

"Here you go, Danny." I pass Danny his favorite dish Mac and cheese which I made for him. His eyes lit up in excitement as he adjusted himself as much as he could, you know with his leg and all. He took the bowl away and I set his glass of water beside him on the dresser. "You want anything else?" I ask. He smiled, his eyes beaming with appreciation. "No, this is great. Thanks Hails. Not just for the mac and cheese but for just taking care of me for the  last three days and letting me come back home."

I shrugged. "Oh, no problem. Enjoy your lunch, I'll be back to check on you in a few." I left the room, closing the door behind me with a sigh. 

That's right everybody, I've been Danny's caretaker for a whole three days and he's back in the apartment, sleeping in what use to be our bed. Any one of our friends could have took care of him but I decided to do it. Part of it was because it just seemed like the right thing to do, the other part is I felt so guilty for not coming to his game. I can't help but feel if I went to his game maybe his leg wouldn't have been broken. I was his good luck charm and I failed.

Walking into the living room, there's a knock on the door. I walk over to the door and as soon as I open it my eyes widen. "Sean!"

I pushed him back, stepping out of the apartment and closing the door. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I'm here to schedule the date that we scheduled three days ago." I chuckle nervously. "Right..that." 

"You know the date you continue to say we're going on but it has yet to happened." I sigh. "Sean, I really want to go on a date with you. I just... if Danny knew that we-" He stepped close to me, looking at me with those beautiful green eyes. "You and Danny aren't together anymore? Why does it matter?" he asked. I cleared my throat, walking around him and turning around. "Well...because...I know that he's not completely over me. And the guy just broke his leg, the most valuable thing on his body. His legs are his career. First we break up, now this, that last thing he needs to hear is I'm moving on. He'll be crushed."

He ran his fingers through his hair, and opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. "What?" I put my hand on my hips. He shook his head. "Nothing, you know what I get it. You're just not ready for dating." He turned to leave but I pulled him back. "No, tell me what you were going to say." 

He sighed, "Look it's none of my business but you are trying not to hurt Danny but when you were together it didn't seem like he worried about hurting you. Which is how you guys got here in the first place." I couldn't say anything because I knew he was right. All I could do was look down, confused on what I should do. He grabbed my hands, making me look up at him. "Look Hailey, now or later. It's going to crush Danny, you guys were really in love. You can't stop the pain, he'll just have to get use to it. If your always trying not to hurt Danny, you'll never move on and he won't either." 

I nodded, agreeing with everything he said. There was no gentle way to tell Danny about this but....maybe there is a way I won't have to tell him about it. " about dinner? Tonight?" I asked him. His eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. "Tonight?" 

"Yeah, I can get somebody to watch Danny and the twins are with their grandmother. So why not? Unless you're busy...?"

"No. No. No." he said quickly. "I can get a babysitter don't worry. Where will dinner be held?" I shrugged. "Surprise me." 

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