Chapter #23

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This chapter is dedicated to lokiswolf

No theme song is in this chapter, it's pretty much part two of the last chapter so think of it as a continuation. But! I thank you for reading you guys, are amazing. I love you're voting and the comments it makes me so happy. Like i love you guys soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, like more than food, and I love food. :D But anyways, hope you enjoy.

Riley pov

The elevator doors open and I step out to see Ben, Heather and Tucker sitting outside Danny's apartment door. They called saying it was an emergency, so as soon as I got to work, I had to leave "What's going on? What's the emergency?" I ask. "Danny, that's the emergency." Tucker says standing up along with Ben and Heather. I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. "Babe, he's not doing well." Ben says.

For the past two weeks, everyone has been sulking around but how bad they feel for Danny, when frankly I don't care. I feel like a bitch saying it but I don't care. Danny needs to feel like he does, so he understands how Hailey felt. 

"Guys, just let him be. He needs to have this time." 

"Let him be?" Heather asks. "Riley he lost his girlfriend and his kids? Maybe letting him be is not the best decision."

"You know none of us were willing to help him when he was treating our friend like dirt." I point out. 

"Yeah, and now that she's gone, the roles have switched. We helped her pack her stuff and get out of here when she was down the least we could do is help Danny." 

I sigh, "What do you want me to do?"

"Well he won't talk to us, he won't talk his Mom, maybe he'll talk to you. You're his best friend." 

I hesitated for a second, but I knew they were right, now that the old Danny was back, it was time to help him out. "Move." I tell them, making them move out the way. I take a deep breath, before walking inside, into the very dark apartment. All the windows were closed and the blinds were down so the only thing you could see was the light shining through the creases of the blinds. And there was Danny on the couch, where he's mostly been since he got back. The smell of BO hit me, letting me know he hasn't been taking a shower either. I cleared my throat trying to suck it up. 

I walked over to him, to see him just staring into space. "Hey." I greet him. He looks at me, then looks right back into space. I put my purse on the coffee table. "Well, if you're not going to talk let me at least say, if you're gonna lock yourself in the house, you might want to take a shower." I make my way to the kitchen, and open the fridge to see it was bare. Meaning he hasn't bothered to eat. I close the door with a sigh. He wasn't going to say anything so it was no point in trying to get him too.

I walk back into the living room. "I'm gonna get going but I'm going to go grocery shopping and bring you some food later." I pick up my purse and pat his shoulder. "Hang in there Danny." 

"Why won't you tell me where she is?" he asked making me stop. I turn around slowly to see him sitting up now. "Danny..."

He stands up. "No, Riley, this isn't fair. I deserve to know. I don't have anything else, I need my family back. I get it now, please tell me where she is."

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