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Chapter 8

We arrived at Starbucks....again. As in we I meant Cris, Jake and I. While opening the door I realized that a giant pair of arms quickly scooped me up and twirled me around. It was Louis.

"Hello, beautiful! I've missed you ever so much." He said trying to act too formal.

"Hey! Guys" I greeted the other four which were staggered in the background. "Oh! This is my friend Jake." I introduced my babbling friend to one of the biggest boy bands of our generation. Perhaps, ever.

"Hi." Said all of the guys in unison.

"The girls are going to meet us at Saint Joseph's Golf court, your welcome to come Jake." Niall invited Jake. I liked how he wasn't scared away but Jake's obvious 'gay-ness' but, I love Jake to death.

"Sorry guys. I would love to but, I have to get back to classes-" that was really all I heard from Jake because Harry pulled me aside towards the back of the cafe.

"Got my jacket?" He said snootily.

"Yeah. Here." I wasn't going to tolerate anyone treating me like this. I mean. I didn't even get the slightest bit of a good morning of hello from him. I mean, what should I expect? He's a gorgeous pop star and I'm just a small town American girl. I have to admit though, I did have a thing for him. Although, after seeing how he treats me (yes, even over the stupid jacket) I have lost all remaining feelings for him. I am moving on. It's not like we would or could ever be anything right?

"Thanks. By the way, you look good today." He complimented. Maybe I wasn't over him.


Once at the mini golf club, the boy's girlfriends immediately introduced themselves.

"I'm Eleanor, I'm with Louis."

"I'm Perrie, I'm with Zayn."

"And I'm Danielle and I'm with Liam."

They were all drop dead beautiful and, at least speaking for myself, I could never measure up to them.

Niall stayed close to me as was always laughing at my stroke. I mean, I would swing ad miss the ball..... more than once. What could I say, I am a fashion designer! It's not like I'm going into Women's Golf! On the other hand Cris was overly attached to Harry. I mean it was so obvious! And the worst part was that he was leading her on. But, what can I say. It's not my place to tred.

I felt bad for Niall because, at least I think, he likes Cris and he's probably avoiding her because she obviously wants Harry. I guess I should just spend time with him to get his mind off of things.

"Niall! How in the world do u put like that?" I know a stupid question but, I needed to start some type of conversation.

"I guess it's a talent Cass. The world may never know." He seemed happy. Perhaps I was wrong. "So what are you doing later?"

"Well, I'm just going to be relaxing in the comfort of my own home. Why?"

"I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna catch a movie or something." Wow. I still am starstruck by them and to actually think that ONE DIRECTION still wants to spend time with Cris and I!!! Aghhhh! Niall's eyes were literally glowing almost. The lie was the lightest I have ever seen. He was the most gorgeous person I have ever seen. Wow. His blonde hair was brig shaded out slowly by his dark roots growing back in and man was that making him look amazing. Or amazayn! How did I ever become so lucky to meet not only famous celebrities but great down to earth guys? Cris better be thanking me because of the day I wanted to go to Starbucks where we met Niall and Harry in the first place. And right now, Niall James Horan is talking to me not because I'm a fan but because he wants to have a conversation. Omg! Was I just fangirling? Yes. Yes I was! Aghhhh! What is air?

"Of course! Let me go ask Cris!" I was so excited! Although, as I was walking to the 4 golf track thingy, I felt a strong grasp on my right arm. "Niall? You okay?" I asked noticing his sudden grip.

"Yeah I'm fine. Uhm. . . I meant just you. Not Crystal." He avoided eye contact and was playing with his fingers. He was completely nervous around me awaiting my reply.

"Just me? And you? No one else?" Why was I blabbering just say-

"Yes." We both said in unison. We also laughed at the awkwardness and tension.

Well, I guess I'm going on a date. And that I was wrong about Niall's feelings. But, what should I wear? How do I act? Should I be lovey dovey or just cool, calm, and relaxed? What should I do if he put his arm around me? What should I do in ANY awkward situations? How was I going to tell Cris?

"So, uhm I'll pick you up around 9:00 for a 9:30 movie? I just need your address." He was so nice and very smooth.

"How about, I meet you there. Ya know, so I don't feel obligate to ride home with you if I think your a psychopath. . ." I said in a joking way. But, who knows. What if he was a psyhco killer?

"Okay. By the way, I'm not a psychopath. And, actually I believe everyone is starting to leave." We both looked around noticing the guys and girls picking up their clubs and balls then heading to the gate by the main entrance. Niall and I shortly followed and joined up with the rest. Perhaps telling Cris now wasn't such a good idea.



Sorry it's so short again! Geesh wanted to post something for you guys! I have been quite the busy bee! Lol. Remember please comment and vote and tell me what you think or even suggestions!

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