Draw the line

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Chapter 16

-A/N sorry guys f the exact details aren't correct. . . I just don't feel like referring to chapters 14 & 15 for the time frames and where I left off. Lol sorry again but, here ya go anyway!

Btw, you guys can always inbox me any suggestions/ ideas or even if you just wanna talk

(Cris' pov)

When I left the boys house, I was absolutely, completely, utterly... upset. I couldn't function. Now, everybody knew that I liked Harry. Everybody. And soon everyone will find out that Niall and I kissed. Although, he is an amazing kisser, I just don't want crazy things to be assumed. To all of my knowledge; we are still just friends.


Today, I lost one. Cassidy.

Over a stupid kiss. What encouraged her to do something like that and completely stab me in the back?! Why would she hurt me: intentionally or not?!

I can't even really look at we without feeling sorrow and regret and sadness. All of which I don't need at this moment or (hopefully) ever.

I started packing. Clothes, toiletries, pictures, everything. Anything that a person would need/want... I packed.

You probably think that I'm the one moving out. If so, you would be terribly incorrect. I was in this flat first and when she came and transferred schools, she bunked with me. That was ... is now over. Us being roommates. Us being sociable towards one another. Us being friends.

Now that everything she owns is either in a box, bag, suitcase or couldn't be packed (i.e. bed frame, dresser) I called Niall.

"Hey.." He groggily answered the phone. I know I must've woke him up. But this was an emergency.

"Hey. Is everyone asleep?" I asked.

"No, just Cass and-and Harry." I cringed at the thought of them but that only back up my argument even further.

"But the rest of the boys are awake?"

"Yeah. Why?" He asked.

"I kinda need you guys to come over there and help me unload Cass' stuff from our... my flat." There was a sudden pause.

"You sure?" He was apprehensive about the whole situation. I could here it in his voice.



In about 30 minutes not only were all 4 boys here, but all of her belongings were packing into Liam's truck that they brought.

When absolutely everything was packed away and I rechecked the house for anything else she could come ere for, the boys gave me a hug and went in their way.

"Thanks again guys!" I smiled and waved.

"No problem."

"Sure thing"


"Yup!" All of the boys said in unison.

As the boys left, I headed back inside MY flat. Yes. It did feel empty, and lonely without Cass but this was a feeling I would haw to get used to. I missed her. I wanted her here, however, I will move on.


(Harry's pov)


I awoke to someone banging on my bedroom door. As I started to rush to it, I realized that Cass was fast asleep right beside me. Therefore I slowly got out from under my duvet and tiptoed toward the door.

Trying not to make too much noise I slowly turned the doorknob and opened the frame.

"Harry." It was Zayn.

"Dude, it's late. What are you doing?" I heard the sleepiness in my voice. I just didn't want to shake it.

"Cris packed up Cass' stuff. We brought it over here." He showed no emotion. No sadness. No glee. Nothing. It was if he was waiting to see my reaction.

"Wow. Uhm. She's sleeping now." I should be furious that Cassidy's best friend just kicked her out but, I do understand why. And I'm kinda happy.

"I don't think she has anywhere to stay." Zayn pointed out. At that very moment I heard a shift in my bed and the crinkle of the comforter.

"Who doesn't have anywhere to stay?" Asked groggy Cass. I needed to tell her.


- A/N

Well, that escalated quickly. Lol

Thanks guys! Hope this one is good! And a bit of a cliff hanger.

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