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Chapter 10

"Hey girly! How was the date?" Cris asked. I had just recently arrived back home from my amazing date with Niall ( that I neglected to tell her about). Would she hate that I kept this from her? But why? She has that thing with Harry, why should it matter? But that was Cris. She would et angry because she wasn't able to protect me. Geesh.

"It was alright." I lied. It was absolutely amazing. By far the best date I have ever been on.

"Liar! You love it!" She screamed, making me shudder an the sudden noise.

"I mean it was okay." I didn't want to give away any crazy details.

"Tell me everything! Wait, who was it?" Oh gosh.

"No one."

"It was someone." She said raising and furring her left eyebrow.

"It was-" "who!" She interrupted anxiously.

"Niall." I said facing my head towards the ground.

"Agh!" She gasped.


(Niall's pov)

Wow. That date with Cassidy was crazy amazing. She looked beautifully gorgeously amazingly. . . words will never ever be able to describe the amount of........ wow.

I pulled into the driveway of the boys and my house and continued my way up into the living room. That's where I saw him. Harry.

I know that he has a thing (at least) for her. But I have to show my claim. But not that I 'own' her. But, ya know. She's mine..... In a non possessive way.

"Where were you all night?" Harry asked me I mean, it was about 10. Harry's such a...a....gosh!

"Out with Cassidy." I said plainly as I began to head to my room. Where I would hopefully text or call Cass.

"Wait, what?" He asked baffled by my sudden response.

"Yeah, I went it with Cass. So don't make any moves. Kay Haz?" I needed him to know.

"Woah bud! Calm yourself. I'm not hitting on her?!" He said defensively.

"No but, you have been making suggestive remarks and actions ever since we met her. Don't think I haven't noticed. Plus you're leading her friend on too!" I dot know why but I was all of a sudden very angry and infuriated with him at this given moment. "Pick one girls and one girl only!" I began to leave the living room and head upstairs but then he said his last words of the night.

"I choose her." He said softly enough for me to hear. That was it I was officially done with him. He was supposed to be like a brother to me. He was supposed to be my best mate. My best friend. But instead he just told me that e has eyes for my girlfriend. (At least soon to be) Who would want to hurt anyone like that?

Does he not already know that I know that he is twice as good looking as me? That I have no chance against him in any thing, shape or form? Why does he continue to torture me? Why does he always take things that he already has and will even need? Does he just want to weaken me? If so, he already has.

"Wrong answer Haz. Wrong freaking answer."



Omg! I left for the weekend and I have 393 reads! That is absolutely chaotic! Don't forget to read comment and vote and do other fun stuff! Oh! And follow!!!!

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