The Kiss. . .

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Chapter 14

(Harry's pov)

"We're doing this because we don't want anyone to get hurt." Liam said when he found Cass and I kissing. Damn. She was amazing, genuine, down to earth, and beautiful. . . Everything I could ever ask for an want. Yet, things had to get ruined because of Niall.

"Whose gonna get hurt?" Asked Cass. Does she not realize that her and Niall are a thing. Whether they are truly dating or not?

"Niall and Cris." Zayn said.

"Cris? As in Crystal Jenkins? Cassidy's friend?" I asked bewildered.

"Yeah. She kinda has a thing for you Haz." Liam said.

"Yeah I kinda did."

I looked to where the voice was coming from and saw an upset Crystal and a furious Niall behind Liam and Zayn. Shit. As if this day couldn't get any worse. While I was think to myself I saw Cass running through Liam an Zayn then through Niall and Cris. . . crying. I wanted to chase after her but, I knew now was not the right time for that.


"What the hell?!?!" I felt my head and I could already feel a goose egg arising.

Then I saw Niall push me down and continuously punching me while muttering "how could you" "she was mine" "I told you to stay away" "seriously".

Liam and Zayn grabbed Niall off of me and walked him out of the room, I'm guessing into his own bedroom so he could cool down. Then there was just Cris standing in my door frame looking at me with a mixture of disgust and sadness all over her face.

"Cris-" I tried to explain. I never wanted anyone to get hurt. But, it was too late, Cris had already ran downstairs and by the sound of the front door slamming. . . I'm guessing she left.


(Niall's pov)

I wanted to take Cris on an official tour of our flat so after the basement and first floor we began to walk upstairs. That's when tho voices started becoming clearer.

"We don't want anyone to get hurt." I heard Liam say. Geesh! Always someone in this house doing something to piss someone else off.

"Well, this is my room ad right across the hall is the upstairs bathroom. Then there is Zayn's bedroom next to mine and Liam's next to his. Then across from Zayn is Louis. And Across from Liam is Harry." I explained.

But, that's web I saw them. Cass and Harry still in each others arms. You would think they were just hugging had it not been for Cass' light pink lipstick brushed on Harry's lips.

I kinda blacked out for the rest of it but next thing I knew I was on top of Harry screaming and punching him, repeatedly.

Liam and Zayn hauled me out of the room into my own. Where was Cass? I didn't see her leave.

"Dude. You can't react like that!" Zayn said. "I know you like Cass but, bro. C'mon." He doesn't understand. I told Harry earlier last night to stay away from her. Now they're making out?! WTF!

"Calm down and let Harry sort out this one. Okay? Him and Cass need to talk first." Liam said.

"They need to talk?! I highly doubt that talking is what they will be doing! They'll be sucking each others mouths off!" I screamed. I didn't care if anyone, even our neighbors, heard me. I was completely and utterly pissed off.


(Cass' pov)

I couldn't bare to see my two greatest friends' faces look so upset, all because of me! God! I knew I shouldn't have kissed Harry.

I ran away.

To the bathroom down the hall across from Niall's room. When I finally got in there, I slid down the wall and cried on the floor with my head in my heads resting upon my curled up figure. My life is completely ruined. Cris will never forgive me. And neither will Naill!

After what seemed like hours I eventually heard a knock on the door.

"Go away!" I said. Just loud enough for whoever it was to hear me. Then they knocked again. And again. And again. Until I finally got up an swung the door open to reveal a blood shot eyed Harry looking into my mascara running ones.

"H-Harry. You really need to go-" he cut me off before I had the chance to finish.

"No. See, I know that the kiss was a misunderstanding, but, I wasn't the only one who felt something. Right? I know you're with Niall. He made that very clear... but. Well. I'm just saying that... I like you Cass and that Niall isn't your only option." The words that he said were obviously true. He believed in them and he wasn't just leading me on. How did I know? Well, I could hear it in his voice. I could read it in his eyes. I could sense it.

"Harry. I shouldn't have kissed you." Was all I could respond with.

"But, you did." He was beginning to shed another, of the many, tears.

"But, I shouldn't have. I don't think I'm ready for any type of relationship... have it be with you or Niall." It was the truth. I needed to think. Harry was right. I did feel the connection in the kiss, more so than any other. But. . . life was obviously very confusing at the time.

"I understand. Just whenever your ready... let me know." With that he left an awkward silence hovering over the bathroom. "Uhm. Well, I also came in here because I have to pee. . . So. . ."

"Oh. Uhm. Yeah." I walked past Harry and back down the hall and down the stairs where I saw the worst thing anyone could possibly want to see in my situation. Yup. That's right. My worst nightmare has arrived.


I started and instagram @1dalbums like this wattpad and my Kik. Please follow me and comment anything! Btw thanks for all of the reads and votes and comments love you all!

Btw uhm... How about | 11k reads | 300 votes | 40 comments| total for the next chapter!!!

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