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Chapter 9

It was Sunday morning and I woke up to sunshine in my face. I was nervous. I was scared. I didn't really know how to feel about today. Yes. Today was the day that I was going to date Niall...Horan.

I quickly popped out of the bed and went downstairs to go make something to eat. I started with some nice blueberry pancakes and orange juice and bacon. Got a make a good breakfast for a good girl! Next, to the shower. When I finished my shower, I quickly wrap myself in a towel and went back to my room to go find the perfect outfit to wear. Should I just dress casual? A nice shirt with some jeans and boots or fancy? I have a nice blue skirt that I just bought from the mall last week. Casual it is.

I quickly grabbed my black skinny jeans and blue shirt and a brown headband and boots too match. Next make up. I didn't want to overdo it so I went with the natural look with nice mascara to go with. That's it hardest part was over. Or so I thought.

It was about 7:30 when I was completely finished getting ready for tonight, when I heard Cris coming down the stairs of our place.

"Wow. Cass! You look hot! What's the occasion?" She asked. I knew she had (and still has) a thing for Harry but, I don't want her to feel bad that I'm going on a secret date with 1D.

"Going on a date." I said

"With.......?" She asked.

"Someone new." I answered vaguely.

"Fine. But if you hit it off you have to tell me who it is. Okay?" She was always like this. And I loved that she was actually eager to be in my life.

"Okay. Will do." Sadly, I had no intentions of doing so.


It was 8:30 and Niall said he would pick me up at 8:00. Crystal was up in her room studying for finals as I was waiting. Still. Then as if on queue the doorbell rang. I walked to the front of the apartment past the living room and opened the door to a nicely, casual, dressed guy with a red single red rose. It was Niall.

"Hey! You look absolutely stunning." He greeted me and extended an arm for me to take. Which I gladly did.

"Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself." I smirked at our cheesiness as I hopped into his black Range Rover that was going to take us to our date.

"Thanks. So... Uhm... I'm kind of nervous." He was awkwardly giggling. If I hadn't already known I would have thought he had never seen another girl, let only ever been on a date.

"You don't need to be nervous. You're not the regular girl with a super famous boy and member." I wanted him to know that I felt worse than he could ever possibly feel.

"For one, you're not 'regular' you're astonishing. Secondly, that speech only makes me more nervous." He let out an uncomfortable laugh.

~~~~~~After the date (10:30)~~~~~

Niall dropped me off at Cris and my flat right after we finished our night out. I had sooooo much fun with him. We talked about soccer ( or as I learned: football), Ireland, London, our favorite foods, stuff about us, our friends and family, basically any and everything we could want to know. I really got to know him on a whole different level. He didn't seem like the boy band Niall anymore, he seemed like a normal guy, someone that I liked. His favorite color was green and he was born in Mullangar on September 13th. He has a older brother greg who just recently got married. His Mom and Dad are super nice and are the stereotypical Irish citizens. He loves all food but Ice Cream is his number one. He is deathly afraid of pigeons and he wants to someday find a leprechaun. He is now MY leprechaun. If he could do anything before he died he would go skydiving. This shows me that he is very adventurous. Unlike myself. But, as they say.... opposites attract. I hope in this case they are right. Niall seems like a great guy with many great attributes. I know I'm falling for him. I hope he's falling for me. However, now that I have finally reached my house. . . it was time to face Crystal.

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I was thinking about switching POV's throughout the next couple of chapter to give you readers a better inside view of What is exactly going on. So please comment your suggestions and opinions on the given topic.

I don't really think you guys realize how much this means. It means so much that people are reading my story regularly and still gaining.

Don't forget to Vote and Comment! Next chapter should be up by 290 reads!>>>

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