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This chapter is dedicated to @MissTLC who would not stop asking for an update! Lol go follow her! And vote for this chapter too... ;)

Chapter 20- Confrontation

(Harry's pov)

I was walking back to the bar to get Cass and I some drinks when I ran into this cute brunette named Evelyn.

"Hey! You're... uhm... Harry Styles right?" She asked.

"Yes I am." I turned to the bartender and ordered two drinks.

Evelyn put her hand on my shoulder, "you mind if I take you for a dance?" She asked. A least she wasn't one of those crazy obsessed fans that we usually run into that just wanna get you're autograph and scream in your face then leave.

"Actually, I have a date to get back to..." Cass was waiting for me so I shouldn't be with this other girl.

"Oh. Ok." She began to walk away when I stopped her.

"Evelyn. I guess one dance wouldn't be so bad." Then we walked onto the dance floor. I knew this wasn't right but she was cute and Cass and I aren't anything official so why not?

We dance for a couple of songs when she turned to face me and look into my green eyes with her blue ones. They were gorgeous.

"Harry, your a good dancer." She said.

"As are you." I bent down and whispered it into her and then placed a kiss on her ear.

One thing lead to another and we were making out. She was a great kisser and wonderful to look at.

***the next morning***

I stretched awake to feel Cass laying right beside me. She scooted closer as I wrapped my arms around her skinny waist and planted a half asleep kiss on her forehead. She giggled a bit but was clearly not up yet.

I hopped out of bed and walked downstairs to get something to eat. As I headed for the door I took one look at my gorgeous brunette-




"Evelyn?" I asked. I believe that was her name but, I wasn't quite sure.

"Mmhm...?" She mumbled. Shit.

"Uhm. Sorry to rush you but I think you better get going before the paparazzi and everyone sees you." I didn't want any of the lads to see her. It would ruin everything.

"Ok." She got dressed and fixed her hair. Then kissed me on the cheek, which I didn't return, and heads out of the front door with no delays. Thank god no one saw her.

As I walked back into kitchen to finally get some food in my system, I run into literally everyone.

"Good morning, guys." I looked at everyone and they all stopped whatever they were doing and looked my way.

I got a bunch of 'hey Harry' and 'sup' but not from who I wanted.

I took a step towards Cass and she took a step away. "Cass..."

She just walked around the island counter and stood right next to Niall. He put his arm around her and whispered something into her ear.

I still watching them with confusion written all over my face.

Cass nods and walks upstairs.

"Niall, what the fu-"

"Don't start right now Styles. I didn't do anything. Your the one that making out with that bimbo at the club last night." I've never seen Niall so angry.

"What are you talking about?" I can admit anything when I'm not completely sure about what they saw.

"She. Saw. You. Harry. You broke her heart." He walked upstairs to which I assume was to talk and be with Cassidy.

I glanced around at all the other guys and everyone was jaw dropped. Starring at me bug eyed.

So I did what my gut told me to do. And that was storm out.


Thanks for all the reads and your comments are so amazing. It still feels like the first week when I was writing it and I only had 500 reads. Wow. This has come so far. Thanks again and don't forget to READ A BIT OF LOVE HATE my other book. :-)

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