Part 4 [Long Day]

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France raised a brow as everyone looked at me, waiting for me to answer. Fen grinned, "If you won't say it, I will," she chuckled, "I know who it is,"
"The hell you do!" I hiss back, but she only laughed,
"Try me,"
I sigh, and look at all of them, "Eh... It's..." I close my eyes before opening them again and murmuring, "It's Prussia," I muttered, everything was an awkward silence as everyone turned their gaze at Prussia, who had a hint of blush spread on his cheeks but it quickly faded and hid.
"Eh... Vat? I mean.. Of course jou do! I am Ze awesome Prussia! Not some low life like my bruder!" He called out, with a smirk on his face, as he pointed to himself. Francis huffed, and hit Gilbert behind the head, "Hey!" The German, or, Prussian, hissed out, while Francis just chucked softly.
"Alright, alright switch places," Alfred called out, and everyone swapped places, this time I was going to get Fen, I had to. And after a couple of rounds, the bottle finally hit onto us, "Truth or dare?" I ask, tilting my head a little waiting for her answer.
"Hm... Dare," she answered.
I thought for a moment, before glancing at Alfred, then back at Fen, and decided to go with what I came up with, "Reenact Jack and Rose from the movie Titanic with Alfred,"
Fen blinked at me, before sighing, and turning to Alfred and pulling him for him to stand with her, "Ready?" She asked.
"Wait what?" Alfred blinked, before she whispered a plan out to him, and soon after we had Titanic real life here.
First Fen stood up on the couch, and spread her arms out, with Alfred behind her, and dramatically spoke out, "I'm flying Jack!"
Then after that, Fen was spread on the couch, while Alfred was at the edge of it on the floor, as she dramatically shook him, "Jack! Jack wake up Jack! Jack! I'll never let go!" She whispered dramatically and pushed his upper body off the couch, or... Raft.
America tumbled backwards, and accidentally hit his head on the coffee table, "Shit Rose!" We heard him hiss, and that was it. Fen couldn't keep her act anymore and dropped her head in defeat trying to tone down her laugh, "Freak you Alfred, it was so majestic," The bad touch trio were rolling on the ground, laughing uncontrollably, while England, trying to keep a serious couldn't keep a straight face, so he looked away quickly, his lips slowly curving into a smile, though trying to force it to go back down.
I, on the other hand, laughed through my nose, with a small giggle, "Okay, that's enough," I answer as they came back, Alfred rubbing the back of his head.
"Aren't I an amazing actor?" Fen said dramatically looking up at nothing.
"Very." I turned to America, "You okay?" I asked tilting my head.
"No, Rose freaking pushing me into a coffee table, while she was supposed to let me go majestically into the river, even though saying, 'I'll never let go'" he growled.
While Fen laughed and patted him softly on the head, "Oh poor child, I'm sorry,"
I look out the window, and sigh as the sun was already a third way down sunken into the horizon, about an hour or two had already passed since Fen and I woke up to find ourselves in the world of Hetalia.
Alfred sighs and stretches, "Let's take a break," he murmured, rubbing his head again before turning to everyone else.
A soft silence covered us as we looked around. Antonio, who was on his phone was skimming his finger up, like looking at a long text or email, as Prussia finally spoke up, "Vat are jou doing? Put ze phone away, Toni," the silver haired male leaning in to grab it, though Antonio turned away from his reach and used his other hand and placed it on Gilbert's shoulder, making Gilbert not be able to lean any farther to get the phone, "Hold on," he murmured, and after a minute he groaned, "Germany just emailed us, we have a world meeting on Tuesday," he announce to everyone.
'World meeting...' I thought as Gilbert groaned, "Ugh! Vat does my burder want zis time?" He asked, falling over behind him and onto the carpet.
"Pollution," Spain read.
"Man freak pollution!" America hissed annoyed, "Those meetings last for like 3 hours, and they're boring!"
"Your the one to talk America, you're the one what's throwing your horrid fat that you call food in the water, also never recycle," England retorted to the younger country.
"They did through your tea into the harbor now didn't they," France pointed out with a raised finger, recalling the history between the two countries.
Prussia laughed as Arthur and Alfred both yelled at the Frenchman, "Shut up!"
"Okay... But then there is also China,"
"Dude! Don't get me started on China! He makes all the cool little yo-yo's and action figures!" Alfred laughed, "The things are so cool!"
"We are looking at the negatives you bloody git," Arthur growled, "All those factories must make up much of the air pollution, also with all the light from their cities cause it,"
Fen blinked at all of them arguing as everyone started talking over each other and having little side conversations, I listen to all of them, slightly interested by how all the countries see each other, though my attention snapped as Fen poked me in the shoulder.
I sigh and turn to her, "What?" I asked with a tilted head.
"Do you want to ask if we can come to the meeting?!" She asked excited, her blue eyes shining with energy.
I shrug, "Eh, I don't know if they will let us," I murmur back to her, looking at all the counties in the room.
"That's why we ask!" She said slowly like it was so simple and I was the dumbest people on earth.
I click my tongue, "Tch, you can, I'm not going to annoy them, Alfred is already letting us stay here," I murmur softly back.
"Okay I will ask,"

The chat broke out, and the countries said they had to go home at around 8:37 pm, and did. And once more, it was Fen, Alfred and I alone. I sigh and stand up, "Well, I'm going to bed," I tell Fen softly.
"Already?! But it's only 8!" Fen called out pointing to the clock.
"Yea, but today was a long day, and I advice you to go to bed also Fen," I murmur at her.
She groaned, "But I don't want too! I'm to energetic!" She said with a jump, and Alfred agreed with her.
"Suit yourself, but tomorrow we're going shopping," I mutter a goodnight and walk upstairs, passing Canada who was also opening his bedroom door, I give him a quick wave and a goodnight and he nods.
I walk into the room and sigh, taking off my jacket and shoes, and throwing myself on the bed, today was a very long and tiring day, and I felt weak.
'Hetalia. Hetalia.' I think over and over in my head, and to think, though finally shake it off and close my eyes to sleep, but hearing Fen and Alfred blast music downstairs and start yelling and having fun, made it difficult.

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