Part 3 [Family]

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I flinched slightly at the game, but Fen cheered, "Yeah!" But then stopped, "But wait, shouldn't there be more people?" She asked, "For truth or dare?"
"I know a few people who can join us," Francis murmured softly, thinking for a moment before pulling out his phone and texted, what I guess to be a few people, and after a minute he spoke up again, "Alright, a couple people should be coming in about 5 minutes," he announced with a grin.
I glanced at him, before looking away as Alfred yelled, "Alright! I'll get the bottle!" He said and speeded off.
Fen turned to me and giggled while I looked at her, "What?" I muffled out.
She walked over and put her own hood on and put her hands into her pockets as well, her expression suddenly changed as she said in a grumpy tone, "So serious," she pouted.
Mocking me, usual Fen. I scoff and roll my eyes, "Whatever,"
She took off her hood finally after a minute and jumped over, pulling my hood down, and before I could do anything she hugged me.
I growled and sighed, "Fen, personal bubble, 5 feet radiance..." I manage to speak out of her tight hug.
"Hmm..." She ignored me, until I finally wiggled free from her grasp, "Personal. Freaking. Space! Fen! Personal space!" I finally yell out, my eyes narrowed.
Fen only laughed, "Yay! Now your loud!" But her eyes slightly widened when I stomped towards her, my blue eyes Flames, "Oh freak!" She yelled and ran over to France, going behind him and pushing him towards me.
I huff out, giving off a small grin of success before turning and seeing Alfred run back into the room waving a bottle in the air, "I heard a cry in distress!" He yelled and jumped onto the couch, making a hero pose, "The hero is here!" He announced, with the bottle still in his hand, making his 'cool level' decrease by at least 20%.
"Cork it you bloody git!" England finally hissed after many and many attempts on trying to read his book.
Fen smiled, and I could tell she was trying to cover her laugh, as she slapped her hand over her mouth, turning her back on Arthur so he wouldn't see.
I sigh, it was madness, like a family. A family Fen and I now joined.

After a couple more minutes of chatting, the doorbell finally rang and Alfred announced that he would get it really loudly, and running over to the front door. Even from a good distance away, I heard someone, just someone, yell out, "Ze awesome Prussia is here! Vhat vas ze emergency!" A male called out.
I turned to Fen, which she had a stupid large grin smacked onto her face, just gazing at me. I sigh, looking at the hallway and finally seeing Alfred appear with which who a guessed, would be a silver haired albino male with crimson eyes. A cute and tiny little golden bird on top of his head that chipped out. Also followed by a brown haired Spaniard with green eyes and a smile on his face, "Hola!" He called out to everyone, waving.
Arthur rolled his eyes and sighed, "Of course it would be them," he grumbled, "I'm not playing any Truth or Dare with any three of you, or anyone," he announced calmly, as he took a sip of tea.
"Come on Iggy please!" America whined, "Everyone is going to be in it!"
I was about to protest but Fen elbowed me softly and grinned, "Yeah Alexandra, everyone,"
I sigh, and from the sigh, Gilbert and Antonio noticed me and Fen, "Who are zey?" Prussia asked, tilting his head at us. Francis sighed and walked up, and whispered something in their ears before grinning. It took them a second to realize before Gilbert calls out, "Ooohhh! Zat is interesting, well hallo, Ze name is Ze awesome Prussia, or Gilbert if you like,"
I guess France told them about us knowing they were countries, as Antonio called out, "Hola chicas! I'm Antonio!"
"They already know," Arthur finally groaned, while Francis flashed back at him, "Stop being a smart ass," he growled.
With the tension growing, Fen quickly spoke up, "Hi! I'm Fen and this," she pulled my sleeve making me step up a couple steps since I was slightly behind her, "Is Alexandra,"
"Okay! Now that the roll call is completed, let's get started with the game already!" Alfred yelled with enthusiasm as he was waiting patiently and quietly the whole time. Not like him.
"Yay! Let's do it!" Fen cheered and all of us sat down in a circle on the carpet, me getting pulled down by Fen, I saw no way of getting out of this.
Alfred glanced at everyone, before finally placing the bottle down, and with a swift movement, twirling the bottle. I bit my lip, hoping it wouldn't point to me, and with luck, the bottle pointed to England, with the bottom facing to Fen.
"Ha! England! Truth or dare?"
After a quick thought he spoke up, "Truth," he answered.
"Hmm..." Fen thought for a moment, before smiling and turning to him, "Have you ever actually blown up cereal?" She asked with a grin, raising a brow.
Alfred snorted, "Go ahead Iggy, answer," he laughed like he knew the answer.
Arthur, who as slightly stiffed, huffed out, "I'm not that bad of a cook," he defended himself, "That was once." He sighed.
Fen chuckled and I smiled softly, at his response, "Okay okay, let's keep going, also, I'm not letting you make cereal, ever." She informed, and spun the bottle.
The bottle twirled round and wrong before stopping at Spain and America.
The rounds continued until at the 6th round, we had already had America sing 'My heart will go on', and have Prussia say he wasn't awesome. England spun the bottle, which had it's tip pointed to me finally, and the bottom to France.
I sighed, as he asked me, "Truth or dare?"
"Finally! I thought you never would go!" Fen called out and whispered for me to pick dare, but I just said truth.
"When you were still in your world, who was your favorite country?"
I bit my lip, 'Shit.'

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