Part 22 [Arrival]

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That day, England walked us around the large building, most of the rooms were for the countries to stay in, but many of them were for entertainment. There was a large kitchen, a massive dining hall which would also work for meetings. An arcade, quiet room, library, indoor pool, and of course 2 large living rooms. In the back outside, was a garden, as well as a fountain what had the earth hovering over the water on a podium. All the way in the back was the start of the wilderness, which seemed like a forest. I don't really know what happened after 8. The countries didn't come at that time. Stephanie, Fen, and I spent the rest of the day exploring around the mansion and unpacking in our bedroom which were by each other. Eating and hanging out with the F.A.C.E family as well. At around 8:45, I said I was going to bed, just tired from the whole trip, and went to bed, but I knew the rest of them stayed up.
In the morning, I changed out of my pajamas, walking down, and heard new voices. Walking down the stairs and into the dining hall I noticed new countries have arrived. As in Austria, New Zealand, North and South Korea, China, Japan, and a few others to the west of the United States. Fen and Stephanie as well were down already, talking to a few of the countries.
I quietly sat down, only to be jumped by America from behind, giving me a slight scare, my eyes narrowed at the laughing American, "Shut up." I muttered, punching his arms lightly.
"Did you meet all of the new countries?" he asked, with a chuckle, slowly stopping his laughter.
I glance to the side at them before looking back at him, "I just got down, but yeah, I noticed that they came, not blind you no." I huffed softly.
The American shrugged before speaking up again, "They came at around 1 in the morning, saying it was bad wind." he explained, and I just shook my head at them and sighed, "When do you think the European and all the other countries come?" I asked him, tilting a head.
"Hm.. hard to say, but probably somewhere about 3 or 4."
"Okay, thanks." I murmured softly and walked away, taking out my phone from my pocket and texting Prussia to tell me when he landed, because that would be probably the same time everyone else would come, texting him since I was sure I had the best relationship out of all of them, well, there was Spain, but Prussia was just better.
Texting the albino, I looked up only to see Fen awkwardly talking and looking up to some particular tall Russian. Seeing this, I softly giggle, putting my phone away I walk up to them. As Fen noticed me, her eyes sparked as she cleared her throat softly, "Alex! Finally you're awake!" she piped up, pulling me up next to her, "It's Russia!" she slightly clicked her tongue, "Isn't it great!"
I sigh at her, slightly shaking my head as I look up at the Russian who waved a gloved hand with a small and cute smile, his eyes closed and his head tilted slightly, "Hello." he said softly.
"Hey.. eh," I hesitate for a moment, "Ivan? Isn't it...?" I say slowly as I bit my lip.
The Russian nodded, "Yes, you are correct."
I follow the nod with my own, bit the inside of my cheek, "Great. I'm Alexandra!" I said, trying to act the calmest of my ability, glancing at Fen.
"Nice to meet you, do you know when Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia will be here?" he asked, his purple soft gaze meeting mine.
'Fudge, don't look at me like that. Must. Not. Look. Away.' I swallow a lump in my throat before laughed softly, "Eh, America says that the European countries should be here at around 2 or 3 pm." I explain calmly.
"Great! I just love those three." he said with a smile, his eyes drooping to meet mine, before any of us could say anything else Ivan turned around before turning back to us, "I'm sorry, I need to go do something, it was nice talking to you two." he stated and with a wave, he turned around and walked away.
I slowly wave after him before stopping, and punching Fen into the shoulder, "Thanks."
"Hey!" she punched my shoulder back, "What was that for?"
I hummed for an answer before speaking out, "You should know," I muttered with a sigh, "Why did you pull me over anyway?" I asked.
"Well! I don't know! He's scary if you haven't noticed." she whispered, glancing at the Russian who has walked away to the others for 'something', while I say him talking to China.
"Yeah, I kinda noticed. And you pulled me to safe you!"
"Not safe. Help. It was getting awkward, and I didn't know what to say!" she protested as we walked through to the living room.
I roll my eyes, though don't say anything, as America cheered and said that he wanted to go to the arcade, but wanted people to come with him.
Since most of the countries here now were more of the mature type, Stephanie, Fen, and I decided to go. We played basically all the games, throughout the hours, Fen kept an amazing record on the 'Dance, Dance, Revolution' game, while me and Alfred were amazing at the shooting game of Predators from the movie 'Aliens VS Predators', and Stephanie kept a good score on the mortal combat game, and the call of duty shooting game, which I moved into second place at that.
In the middle of a round shooting predators with Alfred, I heard my phone 'tweet' to indicate that I got a text message, "Shit." I mumble, though keep on killing them.
"Get the phone, I got it," Alfred grumbled, killing them off before they could get near our characters, "Just do it quickly." he stated.
I no, quickly placing the gun down and taking my phone out, seeing it was a text message from Gilbert. My eyes hit a glimpse of a shine before I put the phone down and swiftly grab the fake aiming gun and helped him, "It was Prussia, he said he, Germany, North and South Italy will be there soon, they said they met up with the Italian brothers." I explained, squinting slightly as I shot the little shits.
"Kay." he muttered quickly before flashing me a glance and looking back, "Nice aim." he commented.
"Mhm..." I nodded slightly, a smile creeping up my lips, "I am second best on Call of Duty," I stated with a small smirk before muttering coldly, "Practicing, so when I see my 2p, it won't be much trouble hitting her."
Alfred glanced at me again and frowned slightly, though shrugged slightly, "It's harder than that, aiming a gun in real life is harder than in a game." he assured.
"Yeah, but you'll teach me right?" I asked, looking into his sky blue eyes, which met my dark ones.
With a small hesitance, he shrugged again and slightly nodded, "Yeah, guess so."
After a small moment I spoke again, "I hope you will, because I wouldn't want to be annoying you till you do teach me, now wouldn't I?"
"Wouldn't want it to be annoying..."
"Nah," I smirk, "That would suck." I stated, hitting the creature in front of me straight to the chest as it came at me from the screen in full speed.

After a while, we both heard a faint mutterings and welcomes, as I glance, at the door to the exit before back at the screen, "Guess countries are here." I stated.
"Mhm.." he agreed, and after a couple more minutes both of our characters died, and we placed the guns in the slot, before turning away and going out to need the new countries there.
Since the arcade was in the basement, we walked up the stairs, getting onto the first floor we walked towards the front door, hearing the talking get louder, as I heard a few new accents, though they were familiar.
Once there, we noticed that not only the were there the Italian brothers and the German brothers, but as well as a couple others, including Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, the 5 Nordics, and Spain. Now only really missing a few other countries, I run slightly up to everyone, the small smile moving into a grin, I go up to say 'hi' and all that crap, most of the countries seem to be in a peaceful climate. Well, by that, I meant not having that much hate on each other's throats. For example of a small argument, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia.
Once the three countries came in liked by Russia, the Russian went over to them, not seeing the shown fear in them and how nervous they were. Poland, deciding to help them, stepped between them all, and sent some rules and his usual capitol statement. I sigh softly, and started to walk over to the 4, though was pulled over to the Bad Touch Trio and Fen and Stephanie, France, seeing to have a relief that he had his friends at his sides, and me as well, because, well, I love the trio. As the countries came in, the slight more tense I became, being around all of them only happened really once, which was at the meeting, and the thought that they are here basically because of us three, and for the 2ps, wasn't my favorite thing in the world, just really wanting to talk to all of the countries, especially the ones that I'm most in love with, and always was, only to know the shadow's outside the building her alive with wonder and soft whispers, even though I kept telling myself, 'They won't come in. They can't come in. I'm safe... We're safe.. In good arms we trust...'

((I am so sorry this chapter is unorganized and pretty sucky, but I promise next one will be much better, with better dialogue as well.. also sorry for the grammar and/or spelling mistakes which might and most likely be in the chapter, and I'm apologizing also for the other ones.. sorry again! ~Alex da Admin))

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