Part 15 [Insanity]

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My eyes widened as I looked around me, not able to remember all of them. All I knew is that many of the started talking to each other, and as soon as they started talking they started yelled and finally a small fight broke out. It was Insanity. It was crazier than the regular 1p meetings. Way crazier...
"Sorry Poppets, we aren't the prettiest things," Oliver closed his hands together, and his eyes darkened as he spoke out, "Some of us do not know any manners," he glared at a couple people.
Suddenly a blond male with rose shades, and a fashion scarf appeared next to him, "Are you referring to me, little stronzetto?" he asked, raising a brow, before flicking long scarf over his shoulder, "If you must know, I am fabulous, my own name states it!" he huffed with a cheery grin.
I blink at him trying to figure out who he was as Stephanie turned to Fen, like waiting for an answer to who he was, which Fen replied with a shrug, "The freak you're looking at me!" she called out, before both of them turning to me, wondering if I had the answer.
I was looking at the blond male, trying to figure him out, as Oliver talked to him, annoyed. I felt myself being looked at, so turned to Fen and Stephanie, seeing them having a questioning shine in their eyes, Stephanie gesturing slightly with her head to the blond, which I just shrugged, making a face which stated I had no idea.
Turning back to them, I saw they have started getting into an argument, as I slowly tapped on Fen's shoulder and turned, slowly backing away from the two 2p, Fen following me and pulling Stephanie along also. Most of the 2ps have now ignored us, like we weren't there, though I felt as if there was something wrong. Like still, in the shadows, pairs of eyes followed my movements, like waiting for something, spacing out, I didn't notice myself as I felt on stepping back, before hitting something behind me, and a soft huff.
Whirling around, my shoes swinging through the earth below I notice a blue buttoned up and collared shirt, with a brown jacket over it. Looking up I saw dull blue eyes looking down at me, lips holding a cigarette, and a hand holding the papered smoke slightly, the man's arms crossed over his chest. He had longish light blond hair, a small spikey start to a beard, as my eyes widened, "Ah, s-sorry!" I said raising my hands to my chest in innocence, backing up slightly.
Fen and Stephanie were near me, I guess they were trying to warn be, but I was, like always, in my own world. The male just sighed tiredly, glancing to the side, and created a click with his tongue, removing his cigar and breathing out a grey cloud of smoke, "Tch, just watch where you're going next time," he grumbled.
After a pause I nod slowly, and decide to take a small risk and speak up, "Wait, aren't you Francois..? Eh, 2p France...?" I ask slowly, wondering if I was right, since, he fit the description of the non caring and lazy 2p France.
He didn't answer with a long while, inhaling his cigarette again before blowing out and finally answering with a lazy and meaningless voice, "I guess," he muttered.
I blink at the boredom in his voice, before slowly nodding again and deciding not to bother him anymore, "Okay... well, sorry for bumping into you again..." I trailed of, stepping back again a couple steps before swiftly moving to the side to where Fen and Stephanie stood.
Breathing out shakily, I shake my head, "Bad idea dudes, I was freaking nervous talking to one of the less 'dangerous' if you would, type," I sighed.
"Hey well, I mean you came out alive!" Fen gave a small smile while I rolled my blue eyes, as they hit the sight of the top of my head before moving back around to the ground, their blue tint gleaming in the darkish forest, before I huff.
Stephanie looked around before speaking up, "Oh come on, they can't be that bad, you know what can happen if we become their friends?" she gave of a small grin, "We just have to be friendly, make friends with the easier types, and we have our protection right there from others!" she snapped her fingers at her own idea, "Bam!"
"I- I don't think that's how it works-" I started though was cut off with Stephanie shaking her head and waving her hand, "Psh, well it's better than any other plan, so state people, I don't know who the fuck is who," she blinked, glancing at me and Fen.
With I sigh I glance around, trying to remember them all, and see most of them have gotten into groups, as I murmur to them, pointing to each group, "Most of them have gotten in groups, and if I'm correct, the Allies are over there, then with the Axis, the 5 Nordics...." I trail off, tilting my head slightly at them all, "I- I'm not sure, but I think the blond from before that was talking to Oliver was 2p South Italy, and he seems to stick with the Axis, as well as Mathieu, who sticks with the Allies.."
"Who's that?" Fen suddenly pointed to a shadow that just appeared, walking. Crimson solid colored narrowed eyes drifted in the darkness of the shape, before the darkness withering like always, staking a pale male with silver hair, in one spoke, a small ponytail beaded with small string was strung together, which hung over his shoulder. He was seen wearing a white uniform or armor of the Teutonic Knights, which meant he was dressed to olden age clothing. A pinkish scar appeared over his right eye.
"2p Prussia," I breath, watching the pale figure walking over to the Axis, to stand near Lutz, 2p Germany, "Gilen,"
Fen blinked confused slightly, "I thought their appearances and personalities changed, he seems the same," she stated, while Stephanie slightly nodded.
"Well," I start, "Gilen is supposed to be orderly, and serious, strict even," I murmur, "Not all the time the appearances changed, like 2p France," I look around me, before Fen spoke up.
"You know what, lets just go and meet some of them, maybe Stephanie's idea would work!" she said.
I turn to her, seeing her and Stephanie smiling softly, glancing around at all the 2ps, before back on me, and I frowned. Wasn't so sure. Lost in this.

Ludwig. Lutz. Germany.
Feliciano. Luciano. North Italy.
Kiku. Kuro. Japan.
Arthur. Oliver. England.
Alfred. Allen. Americ-.

"Dude! Snap out of it!"
My eyes widened as I blinked a couple times, before seeing Fen and Stephanie confused in front of me. Stephanie's hand waved in front of me slightly, as I shook my head and stepped back, "What? Sorry. Space out." I said awkwardly.
Stephanie tilted her head at me, before speaking, "Well, now that you're back, Fen and I want to go out and meet some of the 2ps, so we're going to go, if you want to stick with us." she said, a soft though excited grin spread across her lips.
"Wha-? Oh, no, you guys can go ahead," I say calmly, "Just, don't get into much trouble," I state, before them rolling there are eyes, and walking away, deciding where to go first.
I watch them go quietly, a soft presence leaving me with them. Glancing around, I sigh, leaning against a tree, and blinking curiously were I should go first. My shoes softly scrapped the ground below, moving the grass and a couple rocks. I gently check my purse, and feel something metallic and cold against my finger tips. Thinking for a second, I recognized it was the folded pocket knife I took, and something hit me inside.
"Wait.." I whispered softly, "I-I thought we were supposed to stick together..." I trailed off, blinking at all the figures in front of me. As if I was watching a deleted scene from the Hetalia series. Though in this one, both of my friends were in it.

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