Part 26 [War]

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"Do you think they noticed us..?"
"Shush Fen! How the heck should I know, just stay focused..." I mumble, looking down from the tree I was standing in, while Stephanie was walking down below, going deeper into the forest, my eyelids drooped slightly, though sometimes I glance behind me, not to see if someone has seen us, but wondering if Gilbert would be following us, after all, he stated to run into the forest, and he would meet up with us, while Gilen, his 2p, found us, ambushing the albino down at the edge of the forest.
"Chill.. I'm just nervous okay?" she murmured, her eyes gleamed slightly as she slowly leaped down from the tree, and near Stephanie, running up to her side.
I sigh softly, glancing around once more, before glancing at my clothes, and brushing off a twig that got stuck over my belt, like it mattered. Luckily none of us were wearing anything like a skirt of a dress, I was in alright clothes, combat boots, jeans, tank top, jacket, nothing special, nothing fancy, and it was light.
"Shouldn't we go back and help the others...?" I finally ask them, turning back to the two, which stopped and looked up at me from the tree, "Are you insane? Prussia told us to head into the forest, I'm pretty sure they can take care of themselves." Stephanie stated, rolling her shoulders slightly.
I glance behind me for a second, before looking back at them again and jab the claw in the tree trunk, letting the chain down and lowering myself, before making it flick back into position and walking slowly after them, "Yeah, well, what happens if we meet our 2ps? And even worse, them and some others, we'll be out numbered, and we still pretty suck, no offense to any of us."
"No offense taken, we have only been practicing for about 1 and a half weeks." Fen said with a sigh, though breaking a small smile as she looked over her shoulder at me.
Stephanie glanced around before speaking, "Well, then we deal with it and go back, but right now, we are trying to get away from them." she stated with a firm voice that seemed to only crack a little nervously and with worry.
"You do know we are here already, right?" I whirl, around only to see the three 2ps, standing a little over 20 feet from us. There eyes gleamed and a dark eerie mist surrounded them, and their side of the forest, "What were you doing here?" Ashlyn pouted, "We were looking all around near the building for you." she stated with a grin spread on her face, she was still in her light blue ankle high dress, as if there wasn't a war going on. Her bangs, just like mine, covering one of her eyes, her hair tied like always in short ponytails that laid over her shoulders, though this time her gloved hands were holding small daggers that spread across next to her fingers. the other, Sarah, standing a little behind her with a cool face on, wearing a simple white outfit her glasses on the tip of her nose bridge, as she glanced to the side. A little off from them, Nicole stood with crossed arms, wearing a simple dark hoodie with dark jeans. Her dark hair running over her face, though one silver eyes gleamed like a dagger at us.
"It doesn't have to go down like this-" I started stepping up slightly, my finger hovering over the trigger, as I was interrupted by my 2p, "Ha! Lies coming from your mouth, now, lets see how those German brothers taught you." she stated, raising her hand up, my eyes quickly widened, and as she moved her hand to shoot the throwing daggers at us, I quickly jerked my hand up, launching the chain along, making it catch onto a tree trunk, securing itself I grab Stephanie's arm and quickly jab the button, feeling a quick and harsh pull, as I was pulled across the grass pulling Stephanie after me quickly as the yandere launched the knifes through the air where we were standing, Fen doing the same thing on her side. Soon I hit the tree trunk with my shoulder, Stephanie tripping slightly after me, quickly I released the hatch and whirled around, "The fuck do we do!?" I yelped, flashing a glance at Fen who was a few feet away from us, the 2ps in the middle, glares like dagger.
Stephanie slightly shook her head, before wafting her hand at Fen and calling out, "We run!" she yelped, pushing me forward slightly she leaped up and started running through the forests.
"Shit!" I hissed, glancing at Fen who was already gone, before huffing and my gaze moving across the 2ps who were staring straight at me with a gleaming gaze. Fixing myself forward I started running to where I hoped was the world building.
"Stupid girls! Don't runaway, I haven't said you could go, come back, I enjoyed the game!" I could hear Ashlyn call after me as I felt her red gaze penetrate my back, "After them~!" she cheered, before forming away.
My eyes were widened with fear as I quickly ran near trees, stumbling slightly over roots before raising my hook, pointing it up, and launching the tip for it to hit a branch above me, reeling quickly, wasting no time as I positioned my other hook to another tree branch over, me now swinging from branch to branch, making sure to keep a swift pace, my eyes though always scanning around me, before I say gleaming narrowed eyes in the shadows on the top of the tree, "Just leave us be!" I yell, my eyes narrowed as I tried to loose her quickly, before hearing a hiss in my ears, 'You ran away from our game, by the way, you're going the wrong way...'

Fen bit her lip as she ran through the forest, glancing behind her many times before shaking her head and huffing softly, her hair streaming behind her, before after a while she stumbled to a stop, panting softly from the running and whirled around, scanning her surrounds making sure she lost her 2p.
"You shouldn't have stopped running." A dull voice hit behind her as she whirled around only to spot Francois leaning against a tree, smoking. A rose in his hand.
Fen tensed slightly, glaring at him, before slightly stepping back, "Who says." she spoke out.
France's 2p raised a brow before gaining his weight off of the tree, and stepping forward slightly, "I do," he stated plainly, before switching the subject, "Anyway, I found this on the ground, I'm pretty sure you dropped it." he slightly raised the rose that she had dropped, a small grin trailing along his lips.
Her eye's widened before her eyebrows furrowed downward, "Give that back to me!" she yelled at him, stepping up, showing slight bravery.
"Hm... now listen, everything beautiful in this world, will die..." he trailed off, using his other hand to take the cigarette from his lips between his fingers, and slowly over a petal of the rose, and soon making it catch on fire, placing the cigar back for him to breath in the toxins again, and throwing the rose on the ground in front of her with a swift motion of the hand, making her watch it slowly burn, "everything beautiful in this world dies," he repeated in a lazy murmur, "Which means you will soon."
Though she was untouched by his 'special' ways for a compliment.
After a moment of silence, Fen whispered, "Fuck you." and shot the claw at him in anger, her eyes narrowed.

"You know, you should stop right now an give up," Hazel eyes hit a pair of blue ones as the 2p continued clearly, "You can't get out of this forest alive, the chance of it is very low, I must tell you."
"Oh just shut up with you're little facts." Stephanie growled, irritated, slowly removing her dagger from the side of her belt.
"I like getting my point across in a clear fashion." Sarah murmured softly, flicking her glasses up higher on her nose bridge as she stood straight, staring right before her 1p.
Stephanie only huffed, "Yeah, well I do too, but the speaking bridge has already collapsed." she stated before throwing the knife in the air slightly before charging at her to stab her shoulder.
Sarah quickly dodged by a movement of shadows to the left, doing this for a few times before teleporting a few meters away from her, to keep their distance, "Stop. You're not going to hit me with small tactics like that. They amuse me." she stated, though her voice was serious, and face emotionlessly dull.
"You have a strange way of showing amusement." the light browned female muttered, trying again, though this time quicker.
"Why, thank you, you a fan of it?" the other spoke up, switching spots quickly.
"Ha! No. I think you're a pain in the ass that's for sure." Stephanie hissed out, before getting ready, looking around and throwing the knife at her, quickly whirling around and throwing it in an apposite direction. Since the 2p dodged the first thrown knife, by teleporting, she teleported right in front of the second one, making it skim her ear, before stabbing a tree, vibrating slightly, which Stephanie smirked, "Bitch."
Sarah's eyes shined a small flame, before destroying the calmness in them and growling at her, losing her 'chill', "You're dead."

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