Part 24 [Training?]

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The sun rose over us, as we stood along the grass of a forest clearing, ever since we walked into the forest still near the world meeting about a week ago, where we met the dark 2ps, and had the nation of America save us, I never felt save in forest, and always had a tensed feeling in my muscles.
"Count off!" A German voice boomed near me as I blinked, slowly raising a finger, thought my friend, Stephanie beat me to it, "Ugh... this isn't a military-"
"I asked for a count off!" he flashed back.
"Ugh.... 1?"
"..." I blink, before suddenly getting it and speaking up, "Oh! 3!"
The country of Germany sighed, "Alright... anyway, since we don't know how much time we have before the 2ps attack, you three will have to work together if an attack is hit." he quickly pointed to me and Fen, which made me jump slightly, "You two, will be paired together, your main type of attack style is weaker, but fast, you will be the backup for Stephanie, which will be the main soldier, or.. attacker," he explained, "So, I have-"
"The awesome me!" I whirl to the side, seeing an albino standing in a tree, he quickly leaped out, with a cocky grin, "Ay! Hallo frau- ugh... s." he waved with a gleaming red eyes.
Ludwig sighed softly, though nodded, "Yes, I have my brother, to help with swift movements, since he's better at that, he will be helping you two, while I'll help the other." the blond muttered, crossing his arms.
"Right.." I trail off slowly and after a while Gilbert jumped up, "Alright, I'll take them away, first test, see if you can follow me." the Prussian smirked slightly before swiftly running off, leaping up a tree and moving away in a flash.
My eyes slightly widened as we glance at Stephanie, nodding to her and quickly ran after his flashing figure. After a while of running in the same direction, we stop, and huff, "The fudge did he go?" I asked slowly, looking around me, while Fen shrugged, "I'm not sure, but he's freaking fast for him." Fen stated.
"What the heck is that supposed to mean, huh?"
We whirl around, only to see Prussia leaning against a smaller branch of the tree, a couple feet up, "You will have to be doing this so you better pay attention and listen to the awesome me." he chuckled, leaping out of the tree once again, and going to a bush not too far away, pulling out a box.
I raised a brow, as he opened it, revealing... grabbling hooks? Or at least something that seemed the same to that, "Um... random box with grabbling hooks in them..." I state slowly.
Gilbert chuckled slightly, "Nien.." he muttered, picking two up, "Its not random, I put it there, and these aren't grabbling hooks." he stated with a small pout, handing two to each of us, before getting his own and hitting the box back into the bush with his foot with no effort to make it perfect.
"Now. If you point you can shoot the spear with the-" he stopped once he say Fen point the object up and launch the spear like tip up by pulling the trigger. It launched up with tremendous speed, as it was linked with what seemed a type of chain, "Eh... okay.. so once you do that you can reel in with-" he stopped again as Fen figured it out, clicking a button next to the trigger, as she yelped slightly in surprise, shooting up until stopping once the chain reeled it self in the farthest in. Gilbert blinked her at, grumbling, getting slightly annoyed, before clearing his throat and speaking again, his gaze kept a cool look, "Now, since you have two, you can use the other one to move around, switching back and forth, or, you can use it for attack-" he was cut off by Fen once again.
"Like this?" she asked, grinning softly before aiming at him and launching the missile type at him, it moving swiftly with, once again, amazing speed as he hissed slightly in the air.
Prussia's eyes widened as he quickly in a flash slide to the side, the spear shaped tip jabbing into the earth, it's chain connecting them slightly vibrated, his eyes narrowed at her, "Fen!" he yelled.
"Oops.." she bit her lip softly, glancing up at the first hook that was jabbed into the tree branch, "Eh.. how do you unhinge these things...?" she asked slowly.
Gilbert huffed at her while I softly giggled, strapping the gear over my arms and glancing at them, "Hmph, I should just let you hang there, but..." he sighed, "there should be a switch next to the other button, up is releasing the chain down, flick it in the middle when you want it to stop, and flick down to let it wedge itself out." he explained.
Fen nodding, trying both out, before flicking the switch down, and soon the spear opened, wiggling itself out and letting Fen fall back down to the ground, "Cool!" she grinned.
The Prussian nodded, before glancing at me, and speaking up with crossed arms, "Well, since Fen already went along and tried it, you go ahead and try it." he stated, a small grin spreading back across his lips.
I glance down at the weapons before shrugging, "Maybe I will," I mutter, pointing both arms at a large tree a few meters away, quickly pulling the triggers at the same time. The spears launched, hitting the tree next to each other, and securing itself before I pushed the button, feeling the reigns become tighter, and seeing it pulled my whole body forward. My eyes widened, as I yelped moving forward swiftly, pushing my feet forward, and soon I felt something solid, glancing, I was at the tree's trunk, my feet placed on it, and my hands supported with the gear, "Shit..." I mutter, a smile spreading across my face, "sweet." I whispered, biting my lip before slowly kicking my feet off and wrapping them around a thicker type of branch, then flicking the switch letting my left hand give out of the hold, the hook releasing and the chain drawing it back into position, quickly grabbing the branch with my arms, I pull myself up to be sitting on the branch, unhooking my other hand I stand on the branch and look down at them, holding onto the tree trunk to not fall.
"This will be what we will be working on next, helping you know how to leap off and on, run, and keep your balance on branches, since, we can't have you falling." Gilbert stated, with a grin, "Alright! lets go to the training section!" he spoke out and glancing at me, "Can you come down?" he asked me.
I glance at him and shrug, "I can, but I need a few minutes." I stated.
"Ugh," he groaned, walking up below me, and reaching his hands up, "Just jump." he stated.
"What!" my eyes widened, "No!" I hiss out.
"Do you not trust me catching you, come on, just jump." he repeated, raising a brow, "Trust me."
I bit my lips slightly, looking down at him, before whimpering and closing my eyes, before leaping off the branch, feeling myself fall down, before suddenly stop with a force hitting my. Slowly opening my blue eyes to meet red ones, as well as a smirk, "See?" he cooed softly.
My eyes widened as I blushed softly, glancing to the side, "Put me down." I ordered, quietly.
Gilbert only shrugged letting his hand that held my leg joints off, letting my lower body fall until I felt the ground under my feet, quickly regaining my weight I step back, "Thanks." I mutter, glancing to the side.
The albino only chuckled softly, nodding before turning away, "Now the both of you, follow!" he waved his hand, and started walking into the forest, me and Fen following him.

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