Part 17 [Talking to myself]

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"Ashlyn...?" I asked slowly, the name being a blur. Was it a new country? A new 2p? They were girls... I blinked at and shook my head, "W-what country are you...?" I finally asked, my voice breaking a nervous emotion inside of me. And my foot, slowly slid across the grass back.
"Country?" The girl named Ashlyn only giggled and skipped up to me, "Oh I'm no country, I'm you!" she said cheerfully, before her grin slightly darkened, "The better side of you,"
Taking it as a slight insult, my eyes narrowed as I looked at her, stepping back from her close form near me, "Better?" I repeat.
"Better." The crimson eyes girl stated, "I have talents," she placed her hand on her chest, "Which means you don't, since I'm the opposite of you."
My mind slightly split in half, half of it stating who she was, the other sticking to what she said, and before I could stop myself, I spoke up, "I have talents!" I murmured, before glancing awkwardly to the side, and then looking back at her, "I can write," I stated, "Maybe... and I can draw! Kinda... eh..." I sighed as she giggled and rolled her eyes, 'Well shit' I thought to myself, glaring at her.
"If it lets you sleep better at night..." the cheerful girl started, "Then sure, you can do all of that."
"Hey! She has talents!" Fen suddenly jumped in, standing next to me at my side.
The dark haired girl that had stayed silent walked up a couple steps and hissing out, "Get out of this, brat, the whole world doesn't circle around you," she stated harshly, though it didn't seem to make Fen feel bad, though make her angry, "Says who!" she challenged glaring into the silver orbs.
"Says you! Me." she stated coolly at the chestnut, with a raise of her brow.
Stephanie sighed, and spoke up, "Guys, calm down," though she said it at the same time as the third girl with darkish hair, and blue eyes. Their eyes narrowed as they looked at each other.
Soon, the three of us were arguing to are other sides, before Allen, Mathieu and Oliver got in it, calming things down, "Calm down, all 6 of you," Mathieu stated, getting between Stephanie and her opposite, so they wouldn't tackle each other, while Allen appeared in front of Fen, "Jeez, chick fight," he grumbled, placing his hands on Fen's shoulders, and making her step back, "Step down," he muttered, his red eyes narrowed at her.
Oliver quickly calmed Ashlyn, and got her mind off it, by giving her a cupcake, not really understanding where he got it from. Thin air like the swear jar? Whatever. I crossed my arms, my eyes gleamed with dislike for the other girl before turning to the two others, "Who are you two anyway?" I asked to the other two I didn't know.
After a moment, I got my answers from the female what was glaring at Stephanie, "I'm Sarah, and that's Nicole," she murmured softly, pushing up her glass slightly up her nose bridge, she remained calm, while Nicole crossed her arms and huffed, sweeping her foot over the ground and glancing to the side.
I stayed silent for a moment, glancing at all of them, stating nothing for a good minute, before I blinked at them, my gaze flashing from the three, to Fen and Stephanie, then down, before speaking up, "You're 2Ps... why are you here? I thought 2ps could only come after countries.." I trailed off, my blue eyes a cool shade, not to cold, but then again not to warm and soft.
Ashlyn gave a giggle and a shrug, "Well, well, well, someone isn't as stupid as I assumed," she commented, though I tried to ignore it, "Well.... we came from your sadness and anger, too much anger and sadness equals another you, which is formed form a shadow. Your shadow." she smirked at me, "I'm the side you sometimes want to be, that you have a tiny bit in you, though you can't show it, so I show it for you," she waved her hand into a peace sign and winked.
I looked at her, my eyes slightly widened, "I never wanted you!" I yelled a protest.
"Well you get me anyway, and boohoo I guess you can't always get what you want." she whined mockingly, moving her curled up hands to her eyes and pretending to wipe tears off from the corners of her eyes.
"Little hmm..." I muttered though stop myself as Oliver would go crazy about my swear, I took my phone, checking the time, and biting my lip, as I noticed the notifications. 3 missed calls from Alfred. And 6 text messages. I didn't hear my phone, and totally forgot about it and the time, while the last text he sent to me caught my attention...
Alfred: I'm going into the forest to look for you three
It was sent 10 minutes ago. Shit. I turn to Fen and Stephanie, and run up to them, murmuring what's wrong, as they nodded. It was sent 10 minutes ago, which means he was most likely out here already. We slowly started to walk away from the 2ps, trying not to get noticed and make it awkward, though suddenly we heard a voice behind us, while we were at the edge of leaving, "Hey! Where are you three going!?" I glance back and see Allen looking at us, his eyes narrowed, as the other 2ps around turned to us also, "Nobody said you could leave," he growled.
"Poppets, the meeting isn't over yet, we still need to order a plan," Oliver pushed in, with a grin, his eyes shining.
"Ah... yeah um, we have to go, someone is waiting for us," I murmur out awkwardly, but knowing that they wouldn't let us off the hook. What have we gotten ourselves into.
Someone suddenly pushed me from behind to move forward. Lunging forward from the force, I whirl around only to see Mathieu, "Then they can wait a little longer, we didn't tell you to meet us at a meeting just to do some friendly chatting." he huffed with a grumble.
My eyes narrowed as I stood straight and looked at him, "Dude, okay, we have to go, unless you want to meet Alfred!" I stated, crossing my arms.
"Who wants to meet me, dude?"

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