Part 9 [Dear Friend]

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About 30 minutes into the meeting, I was listening to the speech China was giving out on defense of his factories, I felt a tap on my shoulder, thinking it was Fen, I turn to her, though she was doodling on a piece of paper, turning to the left of me, I see Poland looking at me, before speaking in a loud whisper, "Wait, are you dude.. Like, Polish?" He asked suddenly.
I blink at the suddenly and random question, before nodding, "Eh... Yeah, how do you know?" I asked quietly.
"I could like, totally, hear the accent in your voice," he said with a wink, "Wait... więc możesz to zrozumieć?" (So you can understand this?)
I think for a second before nodding again and answering, "Tak," (yes)
Feliks was about to say something, though was interrupted by Germany, "Perhaps Poland would like to go next," he hissed, his eyes narrowed. I swear this reminding me of a classroom in a school.
Feliks turned and shrugged, standing up before pointing a finger to the air, tilting his head and flashing a grin, "Dude, like, I don't know what we are talking about, but I totally blame Russia for the most damage." He said.
Russia slowly looked up, "What..?" He asked, confused, he looked so nice and quiet. But he gave me the creeps.
"And what's your evidence...?" Germany asked, a bit annoyed.
"He took little Lithu away from my control," Poland stated, placing his hands on the table in demand.
Lithuania's eyes widened as he looked up from his seat, "But Poland! You did nothing to stop him from taking me away!" He stated.
"I took Lithuania fairly, he's mine," Russia gave a soft smile that made Lithuania shrink in his seat.
"Russia stop harassing little Lithu or I will like, totally, make your Capitol be Warsaw," he stated pointing at the Russian with a grin on his face.
I blinked, and couldn't help but smile at the countries. Hetalia has made me love history, truly.
Suddenly Austria looked up, "Poland you're too small to take on.. Eh.. Russia," he said, slowly once he got to Russia.
"Well, I was, like, totally bigger a couple thousand years ago if it wasn't you dudes for taking away my existence ," he cross his arms and flashed a glare in Russia's, Germany's, and Austria's direction.
"Ooh," Fen suddenly looked up from her drawing, "Fact," she said sassily, before turning to me, "Right?"
I nodded, and looked back up at the standing Poland, who was having a stare down with Germany, though after a while Ludwig finally spoke up, "Zis part of time has nothing to do vith pollution, nor do ve have time to discuss ze past," he said strictly, "Next!"
Feliks huffed, and sat down, "Dude, I like, totally can't believe all these countries," he scoffed, before taking out a bag of Paluszki pretzels. ((If you don't know what Paluski are, they are Polish long pretzels)) He opened the bag and started angrily munching on one, as I softly smile at his pouted face. Looking back straight to listen to the conversation, I feel something move and look to my side, seeing Poland's hand extended towards me, the bag open in his hand for me to take some. I shrug, giving a quiet thank you and took a few, before starting to eat myself.
Turning to Fen I pick one, and flick her over the nose with it as she takes it, "Pay attention dude, you're the one that wanted to come," I huffed to her.
"It's not like you didn't," she retorted and sighed, "But it's so boring! I want to talk around and meet the countries, not just watch them!"
I looked at Fen, looking down at her paper I noticed she was making a chibi Alfred. Looking over, I see America in almost the same pose, except, not so... Chibi, "Well then, I don't know, all the other countries are bored as well, so why not you try and push your luck with Germany," I roll my eyes.
Suddenly Fen's eyes lit up as she jumped up from herself leaning on the table, "That's a good idea!" She yelled, which in some countries turned to look at her.
I blink, "I didn't mean it actually..." I started but her hand was already up waving to get Germany's attention. How in the world could she just be so outgoing to do all this shit. We weren't even fully invited, and were already causing enough trouble staying there as it was. Especially Germany. I could understand it if it was Italy or even Poland or something like that, but... Well I never really saw Germany as the country to be angered with.
Once Sweden gave his report, Germany nodded and scanned the room, before looking at Fen and her waving hand. He blinked, before sighing, "Yes? Vhat is it?" He asked.
"I have a request!" She started, standing up, I looked up at her and sighed, though let her, her hands planted on the table in front of her as she spoke, "I'm kinda of bored, and I know all the other countries are too, and I was wondering if I could have some time to actually talk to you counties, and not just watch you arguing which country sends out the most pollution."
Germany looked at her, as America jumped up from the hearing of a break, "The hero votes first for her request!" He called out, raising his hand.
"Sí! It sounds like fun!" Italy suddenly jumped up, "Oh please Germany!" He called out with a smile.
The BTT voted also, as Poland raised his hand, examining his nails on the other and speaking, "Dude, if it will be something else than this stuff then you like, totally got me," he said.
A couple other countries shrugged and also voted in, and with Italy's whining and pleading Germany finally sighed and muttered, "Fine," he said softly, and everyone looked up slightly shocked at Germany's reply, though nobody protested, as the room was slowly filled with chatter and countries standing up.

After about 10 minutes, everyone was up and talking, I was laughing with the Bad Touch Trio, while I noticed Fen annoying England about Flying Mint Bunny and his fairy and magical friends he can see, with America laughing near them also in the conversation.
"So are you planning to stay at America's place and live there?" Spain asked.
"What? Oh, no, if I will stay here in this world with all of you guys, me and Fen will probably rent out an apartment soon once we get the money," I said.
France, Prussia, and Spain looked at each other, before looking back at me, "An apartment?" Prussia asked, "Vhat about a mansion? Ze awesome me would help you with that!" He said with a grin.
"What? Gilbert you're not even a full country!" Francis looked at the albino, "I can pay for it,"
"Eh?!" Gilbert's eyes narrowed at the Frenchman with a smirk, as Prussia scoffed, "Ze map couldn't take my awesomeness so I left," he stuck his tongue out, "I still have money, and I still have a group." He announced.
Antonio sighed at them arguing before turning to me, "What they are trying to say is that you two deserve more than an apartment, and we can help you pay for a bigger house."
I smile softly, "Well it's nice of you, but-" my words were suddenly interrupted from a hearing of the door creak open, and the whole room falling silent.
"Another human?" I heard Switzerland yell, while others asked who that was.
My eyes narrowed as I turned and looked, and suddenly tensed up, my blue eyes gleamed wide as my mouth dropped open, "Oh my god," I whispered, as the figure looked around with widened brown eyes,
"What..." The figure whispered.
And before I could say anything else, I heard Fen yell, "Stephanie!?"

Okay, this is the Admin speaking,
I would just like to say that I'm adding my other good friend, Stephanie in the story
My two good friends in this story, are Kaptain_kawaiisenpai as Fen, and _Stephie13L_ as Stephanie,
I just want to thank both of you for letting me use you guys in my story,
Anyway, bye! Hope you enjoy the story so far
~Alex da Admin

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