Part 19 [Planning]

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We drove back to America's house in silence. Even though, I always kept glances on America, just incase, not knowing why we let him drive, since there was clearly a small trail of blood coming from the side of his head. I was about to say something, though didn't want to break and awkward silence on my own, so decided not to say anything about it, moving my gaze across before towards the window again. And even though they didn't follow us, my nerves were on the edge. Always tensing at a flash of an action near a house, behind a tree, or even something on the sidewalk. From my opinion, I felt stupid for going out with the 2ps and not telling anyone, and feeling guilty for the American's wounds. It was my fault that he got pain from his 2p. Then again, wasn't it all three of our faults? Either way Stephanie's plan failed. We didn't become friends with any of them. Just enemies.

"How did you get these cuts again?"
I sigh and close my right eye, as France gently dabs the cut with a wet cloth. The rest of the F.A.C.E family was already there at home when we came back, and once they saw us... eh.. lets just say, they weren't too happy, not only mad, but worried also. England took on checking America's bruises and cuts. Even though I insisted it was only a cut, not too deep, and a bruise over it, and that I could take care of it myself, I decided not to argue with Francis, as he took control of the wound. I tilted my head slightly to the side, as Fen and Stephanie sat in chairs.
Canada was with us also, making each of us something to eat standing in the kitchen near by, so he could hear everything, and after a moment, Fen answered Iggy's question, "We went out to meet... eh... 2ps, and Alfred had to come and help us get away." she stated in a soft mumble, looking down in her lap, not to proud of it, then again, who was.
"Why did you not tell America or Canada?" Francis asked, glancing at them at the table, before just quickly wiping the cut, luckily it not needing stitches.
"They said not to tell anyone," Fen answered before Stephanie added, "We thought we could handle it, but.. like we said, America had to come and 'save us'." she muttered in an unhappy tone she had to be saved, though under it I knew she was thankful for him coming. Somewhere in that heart of hers.
Arthur sighed, and hissed out, slightly hitting Alfred over the head, "You bloody git, and you believed them that they were going into the forest alone to find something out?" he muttered with narrowed emerald eyes, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Hey!" the American whined, covering the top of his head with his gloved hands, "I'm sorry okay! I don't ask Alex if she's wrong or not on her statement!" he stated.
I smile slightly, well, might as well smile. France glanced at both of them and shook his head slightly with a 'tch' before speaking, "Arthur give him a break, he did help, and besides, we should be happy none of the girls got hurt seriously."
"Thank you- wait what about me!" Alfred jumped up, making Arthur jump back and snap.
France gave him a look, before sighing, "Yes, and you also. See, isn't this an amazing family?" he stated.
England glared at him, "This is not a family, frog!"
"Well," the Frenchman huffed, before closing his eyes and turning his head away, "At least I know how to take care of nations! Matthew ended up perfect." he stated.
England's brow twitched before him speaking, "It's not my fault this became... this!"
"The heck is that supposed to mean!" American yelled, his eyes narrowed at the smaller, though older country.
Matthew slowly came in, carrying a large plate of waffles for everyone, as well as plates and utensils. He placed them down on the table, before leaving and coming back once more with maple syrup, powered sugar, and butter, "U-um... guys? The pancakes are ready-" though stopped mid sentence as he noticed none of the countries were listening to him. He sighed softly, and lowered his head, his curl dropping.
Fen glanced at the Canadian, before standing and yelling over all the countries making them fall silent, "Listen up! Food's ready so shut it and eat!" she called out with a small smile, as everyone turned, shrugged, and sat down at the table. Fen patted Canada's shoulder, before sitting back down.
As Alfred sat down he sighed, "Alright, well, we need a plan." he announced, "The 2ps want to act, and with three new ones, we don't know what we're against.
"I don't now what to think about my 2p, but all I know is that I want to beat her, she's way too serious, she like... like... you!" Stephanie pointed to me.
"Me? Well my 2p is like the both of you!" I exclaimed, my eyes slightly narrowed.
"Jeez if that's me, then kill me right here on the stop, at least I'll die with Canada's pancakes around!" Fen joked with a smile.
Stephanie raised a brow and brought a knife in her hand, "That could be arranged." she stated with a giggle, before Fen scooting away, "No!"
"Right, well, my suggestion is, that the three of you can't be anywhere without at least 1 country at your side." America stated simply, picking a pancake on his plate.
I slowly nod, though pausing, and speaking up, glancing at him, "Wait, what about when we are taking a shower...?" I asked slowly, it was an awkward subject, though it had to be said.
"Don't worry, we'll let you shower in peace, we won't be like that!" Iggy answered quickly with a small pink lingering around his cheeks.
"Hmm... but what if they meet the 2ps in the bathroom? We have to be in there to protect them~" France stated with a raised brow, and a smirk, his blue shined with a soft flash.
Everyone looked at him, while he just raised his hands in innocents, as England yelled, "Bloody frog! That's not why you would want to be in there!" he hissed out.
There was a silence, before Stephanie looked up, "Try me and I will literally break you.." she muttered, keeping a stone face.
"Let's get off this topic! Okay! Sorry I asked!" I finally call out, while Alfred nodded quickly, many times, "Agreed! Anyway, I'm thinking of calling an emergency transport for all the countries to the world building!" he declared.
"Emergency transport? World building?" Fen glanced up from her pancakes at America.
The American rubbed the back of his neck, before speaking, "Basically, I'm going to contact all the counties to gather to one building, and everyone will stay there for.. I don't know how long. Long enough for everyone to take down the 2ps, and weaken them once more." he explained, "There, you guys would be safe, and every country would be together, so there won't be a problem if one 2p attacks us, and we won't have the 1p of the country."
"Why do you team up the 2ps and 1ps into a battle against each other, aren't they basically the same power? Why not, instead of getting the same country, take a stronger 1p country, to attack a weaker 2p country." Stephanie sudden spoke up, "I mean, it only makes sense." she shrugged.
"We've tried that before, though the 1ps know mostly about it's 2p, it knows itself." England answered with a sigh.
I looked down, and bit my lip gently, placing my knife and fork down, "What if..." I start, "The 2ps attack? How are we supposed to take them down?" I ask, wanting to destroy the yandere piece of shit.
"Well.. we'll teach you a couple things when we get all the countries together." Alfred stated with a nod.
"I know karate!!" Fen suddenly jumped up with a small.
"Karate isn't going to cut it, duck." Stephanie sighed, pulling the cheerful chestnut down.
I sigh, shaking my head slightly before asking another question, "What if we meet them again before the on going meeting?"
They fell silent, and before I could take it back Francis grinned, "I wont let any of them hurt you~!" he cooed softly, while I huffed at him, and looking away, a small lingering blush across my cheeks.
"Alright! So we got the plan settled?" America finally called out, glancing at all of us, which each of us nodded, "Good, I'll send a message to all the countries tomorrow morning, and we will leave for California in two days!" he announced with gleaming blue eyes behind his glasses.

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