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Several hours later, I was now sitting at a large round table in the studio while Paul worked on new material. Mary was across from me, still reading the same book she had been reading earlier. I decided I needed a break from my work, and since Mary's eyes hadn't left the pages of print for two hours, I decided her eyes must need a break as well.

"Mary, dear, what are you reading?"

"To Kill a Mockingbird." She responded, setting her book down with the pages facing down as to not lose her spot.

"Are you enjoying it? I remember reading it in high school."

"I'm quite enjoying it, actually. You say you remember reading it? How old are you Amethyst, not to be rude?"

I was taken aback by her questioning, but thought nothing of it at the moment.

"I'm twenty. I read it when I was around fifteen or so. You're twelve now, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am."

"You're quite the advanced reader aren't you?"

"Oh, I love reading. I could do it all day, but my mother  says I'll wear my eyes out if I do it too much."

"She's right, you know?"

"I know." Mary said sternly.

What had gotten into her? She put emphasis on the word "mother" and was harsh with me. Either she was going through some changes, or something had gotten into her.

"Are you alright, Mary?"

"I'm fine." She picked up her book and went back to reading. It was at this time that I got up to go check on Paul and see if he needed anything.

"Where are you going, Amethyst?"

"I'm just going to check on your father. I'll be back shortly."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Mary muttered under her breath.

"Excuse me?"

"I see the way you look at my father. You look at him like he is some toy you can just play with whenever you want. He might as well be a piece of meat to you."

I was left standing in complete shock. I had no words, not even if it was another day, I would not know how to respond to the putrid words that were just slung at me by a twelve year old.

"Mary Anna McCartney." 

Paul did not yell, but I knew by the tone of his voice, this would not be a pretty outcome.  Mary's book fell from her hands, the page number not mattering anymore. I still stood there with my mouth agape.


"I don't want to hear it Mary." Paul said strictly.

"I didn't mean it." She said quickly.

"Obviously, you must have because the words came out of your mouth."

"It's true, daddy! She only wants you for your money!"

I wasn't going to take this any longer.

"I do not, Mary! You do not have a clue about anything!" I said to her.

"Daddy! She yelled at me!" Mary whined.

"After the way you spoke to her, she should have yelled louder!" Paul rebuked.

Mary stood there quietly, she looked as if she was deep in thought until a shocked expression came upon her face.

"You like her don't you, daddy!"

"That's none of your business, Mary."

"You do! How could you?! She's so much younger than you! She could be your daughter!" Mary was so furious at this point, I thought she would burst at the seams. By this point, George Martin who was producing for Paul again was now in the room, shocked at what he was hearing.

"Admit it, daddy! You like her!" Mary was not excited at all about this new found fact that had yet to be confirmed, but Paul and I knew that there was no denying it.

"Paul, you can be done for the day if you'd like." George whispered in his ear, but I was in close enough proximity to hear.

"Thank you, George. We'll be heading out now."

I started to gather my papers and put them back in the folder. Mary slowly bent down and picked up her book, waiting for Paul to lead us out of the studio. I went to stand beside him, waiting for him to go. 

"Mary, you sit in the backseat." Paul said. 

Paul then shocked the both of his. He took my hand in his and we walked out of the building with Mary trailing behind us. I heard her let out a loud sigh, and I looked over to Paul. He nudged me in the arm, smiling and threw me a wink. I knew that if I wanted to speak, now would be the time.

Paul unlocked my door and went around to his side. As Mary was getting in the car, I stopped her. You might think this inappropriate to tell to a twelve year old, but I was so agitated, I thought nothing of it.

"He's my daddy too, you know."

Mary just looked at me in a funny way.

"Why do you always have to pick the crazy one's, daddy?" Mary asked as we got in the car.

Paul smirked at me and mouthed: "What did you tell her?"

I mouthed back that I would tell him later. Paul smiled and took my hand once more.

"Do I still get to go to the bookstore?" Mary asked in a huffy tone.

"Since you did the dishes, yes. But I'm just going to give you some money and you can go in. We will wait in the car."


"No, but's Mary. We need to get home soon. Amethyst and I have to run to the store across the street to get some things for dinner."

"Fine." Mary said sharply.

"Enough of the tone, Mary." Paul said.

"Sorry, daddy." She said, actually sounding apologetic. 

"Sorry, Amethyst."

I was shocked to hear the apology out of her so quickly, but I accepted it nonetheless.

"It's alright, Mary."

I checked the rear view mirror and saw that she was crying. I motioned for Paul to look as well.

"Mary, dear, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, daddy. I promise."

"Don't lie to me now. Yes, I'm not happy with you, but I still love you, you know?"

"I know, daddy. I love you too."

"How about we all go to the bookstore together? Then we can get whatever you want for dinner? How does that sound, Mary?"

The smile returned to her face and off we went. I still was unsure of her feelings, but I wanted to prove to her that I was there to be a friend, not to hurt her, and not to interfere with the relationship she and her father had. 

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