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Mary's POV

I am beyond sick of it. That stupid girl is driving her way between my father and I, and I can not take it anymore. Things weren't supposed to be like this. My mother and father should still be together and we should be a happy family, but no. Daddy had to run off on his own and not show a care for myself, Stella, James, and Heather. Did he even think of my poor mother? He blames it on her, but I still don't believe him. I have to do something. I have to get rid of Amethyst and make my family whole again.

After breakfast, I went upstairs to my room and decided to call my mother to give her an update. The phone rang several times until she answered in a sleepy tone.

"Hello, Eastman residence. May I ask who is calling so awfully early in the morning?"

"Mummy, it's me Mary."

"Mary, darling, why are you whispering?"

"I don't want her to hear me. Now-"

"Wait a minute, Mary. Who is this "her" you speak of?"

"Daddy's new girlfriend, Amethyst."

"So, he's moved on has he?" Mummy asked me.

"Apparently. She's only twenty, Mummy. Is that not disgusting?"

"Twenty? Has he lost his mind? I have every nerve to come over there and give him a piece of my mind. He has children! Does he remember that?"

"Oh, he cares for me greatly, but she is driving a wedge between us, Mummy. It makes me so upset."

You might call me conniving and a liar, but at this point I began to fake cry so my mother would hear it.

"Mary, darling, don't cry. How can I help?"

"Get rid of her, Mummy."

"How do you suppose I do that?"

"The same way you got rid of that one fan who wouldn't leave the front gate."

"Mary! How do you know about that?"

"I have my ways. Now, what you you suppose we do?"

"Where did you learn to be so psychotic and conniving?"

"I learned from the best." I replied sharply.

"Are you implying that I, your own Mother, is psychotic?"

"Maybe a little." I said truthfully.

I could practically sense my mother smirking through the phone.

"Anything for my children."



"How soon can you be here, Mummy?"

"Oh, it won't be me. I can't get caught up in that. I will send someone, but as for you, keep your mouth shut and out of the way. Don't be suspicious and keep to yourself. Do not answer the door and if the doorbell rings, make sure Amethyst gets it."

"I will, Mummy. Thank you."

"Now, go back to being the sweet innocent girl I think I know."

"Of course, Mummy. I love you."

"I love you too, darling."


Amethyst's POV

I was in my room getting ready and I could hear Paul strumming on his guitar in the room next door. He was singing quietly, probably not wanting to be heard, but I couldn't help but go in and listen. I walked over to his room and sat on the bed beside him. He kept playing, moving his fingers around gracefully and singing different pitches, rhythms, and lyrics.

"Your voice is beautiful, you know?" I told him.

"I'm not even singing, silly."

"You don't have to be."

He leaned over his guitar and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I'm writing a song for you, actually."

"Will I get to hear it soon?"

"Once it's done, but I won't publish it. It can be our little secret."

He went back to strumming and I just watched him. I could see the wheels in his head turning through his stunning hazel eyes. His mouth was slightly parted as he thought his way through the chords and I could see the muscles in his arms as they worked their way across the strings. At last, he was satisfied with whatever music had filled his brain and he put his guitar aside, patting his lap signaling for me to come closer. I sat in his lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Does Mary being here bother you?"

"Of course not, Paul. She's you child, even if she is a bit much sometimes. It is her right to be here."

"I just worry that one day she is going to hurt you and you will leave and never come back."

"Her words mean nothing, Paul. I just let them roll off of my back."

"That's good, love. Are you coming with me to the studio today? Or are you staying here?"

"I'll come with you. I mean, I don't have anything else to do unless you want me to do that paperwork that's piling up. Speaking of that, did you find another secretary?"

"I couldn't do it."

"Couldn't find one? That's too bad."

"I couldn't pick up the phone."

"Why not, Paul?"

"Once Mary is gone, I don't want anyone in this house but us."

"Who will do the paperwork and answer the phone and all of that?"

"I don't know."

"Paul, I'll still be your secretary. I can be both."

"Both what, love?"

"Your girlfriend and your secretary."

"You don't have too."

"But I want to, Paul. It's the least I can do."

"I really don't want you to do that."

"Paul, I'm going to be your secretary and that's final."

"I'll reinstate your salary then."

"More money for clothes, then."

He smiled at my womanly instincts and placed another kiss on my lips.

We spent the day at the studio and Paul recorded several songs and worked on producing a few others. The next few days went off without a hitch and all was well. Mary was surprisingly quiet and didn't have much to say unless she was talking with Paul, but I didn't find that to be out of the ordinary. However, the next week would be more than interesting for all of us to say the very least.

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