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Paul's POV

I couldn't believe what Mary had said earlier. I refused to believe her hateful words towards Amethyst, but isn't there a saying about children seeing the truth in people? I don't know, but it has been racking my brain for the past hour that I've been sitting in my room after dinner. I got off of my bed, the song I was trying to write long forgotten, and went to check on Mary in her room.

I knocked quietly before entering.

"Mary, may I come in?"

"Yes." Her voice was quiet, not her usual peppy self.

"Are you alright, dear?" I sat on the edge of her bed. I reminded myself of that stereotypical father you find in television commercials these days.

"I guess so."

"Tell me what's bothering you. Be completely honest and I will too."

"You like her, don't you daddy?"

I had to strategically plan my response as to not hurt her too much. Yes, I liked Amethyst. There was lust, of course, but until today when Mary spewed words of hate towards her, I never realized that I actually liked her in a romantic way, I guess you could say.

"Yes, Mary, I do like her."

"Why don't you like Mom anymore?"

Her one statement explained everything. I let out a sigh and rubbed my forehead.

"Mary, sometimes things don't work out. Feelings change, people change, but one thing will never change. That is the love that I have for you and your siblings, okay?"

"Okay..." She said reluctantly.

"I love you, darling." I said as I pulled her in for a hug.

"I love you too, daddy."

I tucked her into bed, making sure her lamp was still on so she could read the book she got at the store today. Well, she got five new books, but I told her not to read them all at once. I was making my way back to my room when I saw her. Amethyst was making her way down the hallway, her curvy figure wrapped in only a towel. 

Amethyst's POV

I had just gotten out of the shower when I realized that I had left my clothes in my room. I heard Paul talking to Mary, so I knew if I wanted to get my clothes without having my towel yanked off of me, I needed to move quickly. I didn't hear Paul exit Mary's room, but I felt his presence behind me as he grabbed onto my towel.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" He whispered seductively in my ear.

"I was hoping to get my clothes." I said back, still not facing him.

"You won't be needing those tonight, my dear." Paul whispered once more.

His words sent heat throughout my body and he spun me around into his arms, the towel falling to the floor behind my back.

"What about Mary?" I asked under my breath.

"Don't worry about her. Worry about us."

Paul slung me over his shoulder, shocking me with his strength and taking my breath away. He quickly whisked us away into the master bedroom and placed me gently on the bed. He slowly climbed on top of me and bent down to place a coveted kiss upon my lips.

"I've been wanting this all day." Paul said as his kisses made their way down my body. When he reached my throbbing core, I pulled his chin up so his eyes were facing mine.

"I don't think so." I said sternly, looking him dead in his lustfully dark eyes.

"Why not, baby?"

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