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We loaded ourselves into Paul's car and headed off towards downtown London. Upon finding a place to park, which wasn't very hard considering people recognized Paul, the three of us made our way to the little shops Mary wanted to go to. We went to bookstores, clothing stores, and basically any store that interested her little mind. We were walking out of a bookstore, Mary with several books in hand, when a paparazzi caught up to us and began questioning Paul.

"Afternoon, Mr. McCartney. Enjoying the day?"

"I'd be enjoying it more if you wouldn't bother me." Paul replied cheekily.

"Sorry, Mr. McCartney. Who are you, Miss?" The man asked me, flashing multiple pictures.

"That's none of your concern." I responded quickly.

"Can I have a name, at least Miss?"

"The stone of February." I said and the paparazzi stopped dead in his tracks. He was no longer following us, I suppose he was trying to figure out what my words had meant.

"The stone of February, hm?" Paul asked me.

"Amethyst is the birthstone of February."

"Were you born in February, love?" Paul asked me, earning a glance from Mary, but he only shook it off.

"Actually, yes. I was born on February 24."

"What a coincidence. My mate George has the same birthday. Well, it could very well be the twenty-fifth, but he's not too sure."

"George? Would this happen to be George Harrison?"

"The very same indeed."

"Daddy, can we go into this shop?" Mary asked.

We were now standing outside a peculiar little store. There were cameras of all kinds, record players, and other bits of technology.

"Sure thing, darling."

At this, Paul put his arm around my waist and escorted me into the shop. Right before the door shut behind us, I could have swore I heard the click of a camera, but I just shook it off. We browsed the aisles while Mary was admiring the vintage cameras.

"You know, I should have you meet George sometime."

"That'd be wonderful, Paul."

"I'm sure the two of you would get along."

"I'd hope so."

"I know we get along just fine." Paul moved in and placed a delicate kiss on my lips. Right as he pulled his perfect lips away from mine, Mary came around the corner with a vintage camera in her hand.

"Daddy? Could I get this camera?"

"Hand it here, darling."

Mary handed the camera to Paul and he turned it over, this way and that way, inspecting it as though he were a camera salesman.

"Is it a good camera, daddy?"

"Oh, very good. Reminds me of the one Ringo used to have back in the sixties. You remember Uncle Ringo, right Mary?"

"Of course! How could I forget the time he came over and almost got his head stuck in the railings of the staircase?" Mary laughed at this memory, as did Paul.

I was pleased to see them both happy, especially Mary. I could tell that her parents divorce had been hard on her, so remembering the happier times and having good times now would help to remind her that it's getting better all the time.

"So can I get the camera, daddy?"

"Of course, dear."

We continued browsing the store and I came across a particular camera that struck my interest as well. It was all black and was taller than the other cameras and had a leather strap around it. The brand on the top said "Pentax" and I decided to buy it for myself now that I was actually making a decent salary from working for Paul. Or Mr. McCartney, should I say. Paul took Mary to the register and I followed closely behind. I bought the camera and put it into my purse that I was carrying. We continued walking throughout London until Mary couldn't hardly walk anymore.

"Ready for some dinner, darling?" Paul asked Mary.

"Yes, please."

"All right, let's head back home, okay?"


"Yes, Mary. We can order some take-out or such, you know?"

"Okay, daddy."

Mary led the way back to the car, which wasn't that far away since we had made our way back down the other side of the street we first began on. It was beginning to get dark, so Paul took this opportunity to take hold of my hand. It was a freeing moment for me. For once, it wasn't hidden who or what I was. I was free. I knew Paul and I weren't a couple, or at least I didn't think so.

Paul must have caught me smiling.

"What has you so happy this evening?"


"Me? What have I done to brighten your day so much?"

"Holding my hand." I smiled at him.

"You two sound like the children at my school when they couple up." Mary said, causing Paul to laugh and I could only smile even more.

"We're not a couple, Mary." I told her.

"You might as well be." She responded.

"Would you be okay with that, darling?" Paul asked her, gaining my full attention.

"It's not my choice, now is it? But, I would be all right with it. As long as you are happy, daddy."

"Very good, Mary." Paul left the conversation at that.

We were finally at the car and we made our way back to Cavendish Avenue. Mary got out of the car first and ran up to her room to organize and put away her new things, while Paul came around and opened the car door for me.

"After you, madam." He said in a lousy French accent.

"Merci." I said back.

"You speak French?" Paul said in shock.

"It's the language of love, isn't it?"

Paul smiled and took my hand once more. He stopped our course before we entered the house.

"Amethyst, would you like to be my, you know, girlfriend?"

He truly sounded like a teenager and it made me smile, but then the worry settled in the pit of my stomach.

"I would love to, Paul. However, what about our age difference?"

"Age is just a number, gorgeous."

"To us, Paul. But what about everyone else?"

"Everyone else doesn't matter. We're the only one's that matter in this situation. Love cannot be stopped."

"How Paul? Aren't you scared at all?"

"No, Amethyst. All you need is love."

I pecked his lips for his cheeky remark and let out a sigh of relief.

"Love is all you need."

With that we entered the house for the first time as a couple, not caring what the world around us thought. Our peace wouldn't last as long as we had hoped, though. We should have seen it coming.

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