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Later that night...

It was now long after dinner, and the children had been asleep for a while. Paul and I were cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie and stealing kisses.

"Ready for your surprise, love?" Paul whispered in my ear.

I responded by placing a gentle kiss on his lips, which he took as a "yes."

He helped me up off of the couch and took my hand, leading me upstairs into his music room/studio.

It was dark inside, the only light coming from the crack in the curtain from the moonlight.

Paul flipped on the lights and in the middle of the room I saw a small crate, partially covered by a blanket. Paul nudged me toward the crate and that was when I heard rustling inside it.

"Go on and open it up, love." 

I knew Paul was smiling. Ever since Martha, his sheepdog, died last year, he's been wanting another pet to have around the house. I knelt down to the ground and opened up the crate to peer inside.

"Paul, it's a puppy." I said quietly.

"I know, darling." He came over and knelt down next to me.

I slowly picked up the small animal and held it close to my chest.

"It's so precious..." I said, petting the animal gently as to not disturb it too much.

"She's a Siberian Husky. Little unusual for England, yes, but I know how you've always wanted one."

"I love her already. What should we name her?" I asked him.

"I haven't thought that far, actually." He laughed.

"What about Zora?"

"Zora? That's an interesting name."

I laughed as he pondered on it; his Liverpool accent made it sound like he said "Zorar."

"What's the matter, love?"

"Oh, nothing. Just laughing at how cute your accent is, but Zora?"

"You have an accent too, you know? And yes, I like the name Zora."

"Oh, do I really?" I said, trying to sound particularly posh.

"Of course, dahling, though you know I don't understand a bit of the Queen's English." Paul joked, mimicking my posh accent.

Zora stirred a bit and licked my face, nuzzling herself into my chest.

"I think she likes you." Paul said.

"I know she likes you."

"How do you know?"

"How can anyone not like you?" I smirked at him.

"Well, some girls don't seem to like it when I'm in love."

"Oh, I hate it. It's a real drag, you know?" I said, trying to imitate his accent.

"The later it gets, the more sarcastic you become."

"It's my one true talent."

"All right, sassy. Let's move her dog bed into our room and get some sleep, yeah?"

"Sounds wonderful, Paulie."

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