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My thoughts had been weighing heavy on my mind all day. It was Saturday, and after returning from George's that morning, we just stayed at home in London. I needed to talk to Paul, but I couldn't bring myself to it. Suddenly, I felt extremely nauseous. I walked briskly to the bathroom, trying not to draw attention to myself. I didn't throw up, thank goodness, yet I still felt like I could at any moment. I propped myself up against the bathtub, letting the coldness of the fiberglass chill my body.


I heard Paul calling for me throughout the house, but I didn't respond. I felt as if I couldn't speak, the waves of nausea rushing over me like a tremendous flood. I heard his footsteps coming closer and closer; he was still calling my name.

"Mhm..." I made a tiny noise, trying to get his attention. 

He walked past the bathroom at first, but then retraced his steps, only to have his eyes go wide at my current state.

"Darling! What's the matter?"

"Just nauseous, nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about?! You're practically white as a ghost!"

"I'm fine." 

I wasn't at all. I hadn't told Paul, but I was late. I was last month too, and the month before that. I knew I was pregnant, but I didn't want to believe it. Luckily, I hadn't started to show yet. It had started the week after Paul took me to the doctor in London. Mother Nature was not going to show up that month.

"Amethyst, I can tell you're not. Come on, love. Let's get you to bed."

Paul lifted me up off of the ground, carrying my limp body up to our bedroom and laying me gently on the bed.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Are the kids asleep?"

"Yes, why?"

"Stay with me?"

"Of course."

Paul changed into his pajamas and helped me get into mine, laying down next to me in the bed once he was finished.

"Paul, I have to tell you something."

"What is it, love?"

He intertwined his fingers with mine underneath the covers, filling my body with his small touch of warmth.

"I think I'm, you know, pregnant."

"Stop messing about, love. What is it?"

I gave Paul a knowing look to tell him I wasn't joking.

"Darling, are you serious?"

"I wouldn't lie to you about something like this, Paul."

"Sorry, love. I'm just shocked because I thought we had been using protection."  

"Remember that night in Scotland? When I taught you your lesson?"

I smirked at Paul, watching his face change as the memories from that night came back, a small smile forming on his face.

"Do you really think so?"

"Paul, I haven't had my period in three months."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, love?"

"I was scared. Worried that you would be mad, worried about the unknown like always."

"I'm so excited."

Paul pulled me into his arms, placing a kiss upon my lips.

"What do you want it to be?" He asked me, placing his hands on my stomach.

"I wouldn't mind having a girl, but either one is fine."

"I'd like another girl, but I don't mind either way. We need to schedule you a doctors appointment tomorrow, love."

"All right. What about names?"

"For a girl? I like the name Rosalind."

"That's beautiful. For a middle name, how about Eleanor?"

"Rosalind Eleanor McCartney..."

Paul said the name several times, some slower, some faster.

"Testing it out, darling?" I asked him.

"It sounds perfect."

"I think so too. What about a boy?"

"Would you mind if we used his name as a tribute?"

"Like what?"

"Maybe name him Winston. You know, like after John?"

"That's lovely, Paul. As a middle name, what about Thoreau?"

"Winston Thoreau...Isn't Thoreau an author?"

"Yes, he was a transcendentalist."

"I didn't know you were interested in literature..." Paul seemed upset by his revelation.

"Don't be upset, dear. Remember, we're still getting to know each other."

He smiled at the words that he always told me.

"I dreamed of being an English teacher, you know."

"Really? Do you still want to?"

"I'd love too actually."

"After the baby, you're going to fulfill your dreams, love."

"Paul, you really don't have to help me do that."

"I want to, darling."

It was at this point that I knew that George's judgement was wrong. Paul really did love me for me. Age didn't matter, we were in love; it was that simple.

"Whatever gender this child is, I think we should have another one because we have came up with some beautiful names, don't you think?"

"I agree, love. I love you."

"I love you too, Paul. Are you excited?"

"Beyond belief, darling. Are you?"

"I think so. Knowing that you're the father is the best part."

"Why is that?"

"I've never been more in love with anyone in my entire life and never will be."

Paul placed a kiss on my lips, then rose from the bed and went over to his dresser.

"What are you doing, darling?" I asked him.

"I wanted this to wait, but I think now is the perfect time."

He shuffled around in his dresser for a minute until he turned around with his hands behind his back. I sat up, anticipating the reveal of whatever he was hiding.

"Amethyst, I know we aren't a normal couple. But what really defines normal, you know? I'm in love with you, completely and fully. To get to the point, will you marry me?"

Paul knelt at the bed side, offering the beautiful ring out to me. I had never seen a diamond more gorgeous, but even more intricate was the stones of amethyst that lay around the large stone in the middle.

"Oh my goodness, Paul! Yes! A thousand times, yes!"

He took my left hand in his, placing the ring delicately on my finger.

"It's so beautiful, Paul."

"Just like you."

He crawled back into the bed, enveloping me in his arms and allowing me to rest my head on his chest.

"My heart beats only for you, my love."

"I love you, Paul. More than you will ever know."

"I love you too, beautiful."

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