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Following Paul and I's morning of excitement, we made our way downstairs to find Mary sitting at the kitchen table, of course having a book in her hand.

"Good morning, Mary. Have you been awake long?" Paul asked her.

"As long as you two." She said in a smart tone.

"Mary, I don't want to hear that tone from you."

"Sorry, daddy." She huffed and went back to her book.

"What do you two want for breakfast?" I asked Paul and Mary.

"Anything is fine, love. All right, Mary?"


Paul rolled his eyes at his daughters comment and came up to me at the fridge. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"I have to go make a phone call, okay?"

"Okay, Paul." I kissed him back and he left the kitchen.

I had been preparing breakfast for a minute or two when I heard Mary place her book heavily on the kitchen table.

"I thought my father was your boss?" She asked.

I wondered whether I should tell her the truth, that I no longer "worked" for her father, but I decided to avoid it.

"What does that have to do with anything, Mary?"

"I don't know. You two are rather close to be boss and worker if you ask me."

"That's none of your business, Mary."

"But isn't it, Amethyst? He's my father, your boss, but all you seem to be in it for is romance. Well, I don't know if you would even call it love."

"Dearest Mary, forgive me, but when did you become the all knowing expert of feelings in this household?" I asked her sarcastically.

"You are such a child." She responded.

"That's very hypocritical, considering that you're younger than I am."

"Not by much." She huffed.

I was long over her attitude at this point, but I knew not to push my boundaries.

"I'm done with this conversation, Mary."

"You should learn to finish what you've started, Amethyst."

"And you should learn to keep your mouth shut." I snapped back.

I slammed the frying pan on the stove and focused on cooking breakfast, not the sneering little girl behind me. I wish Paul was here to witness this, but I knew what his phone call was about and I wasn't going to disturb him.

Paul's POV

I left Amethyst and Mary in the kitchen, going into my office to make a phone call that gave me a slight hint of deja vu. I sat in the chair at my desk. The desk that had slowly became one shared between myself and Amethyst. I could smell a hint of her sweet perfume in the air where she had been here this morning. Her scent lingered on just as my thoughts of her did constantly. I was in love with her, yet we were the only two who could accept it. I went to pick up the phone, but I couldn't make myself do it. I didn't want anyone else in my life, not even an assistant. I only wanted her. Help was at the end of the phone, but I couldn't do it. I got up and quietly made my way back to the kitchen, but stopped when I heard a conversation between Amethyst and Mary.

"But isn't it, Amethyst? He's my father, your boss, but all you seem to be in it for is romance. Well, I don't know if you would even call it love." 

I heard Mary say this and was shocked at her brutal words. How had my sweet daughter been transformed into a condescending monster? Yet, it could be the work of my own hands.

"Dearest Mary, forgive me, but when did you become the all knowing expert of feelings in this household?" 

I could only chuckle at Amethyst's sarcasm, but I was intrigued as to where this conversation would go from here. 

"You are such a child." Mary said.

"That's very hypocritical, considering that you're younger than I am."

In my mind, I was cheering for Amethyst because who was my daughter to determine who I could love. However, I felt my fatherly instincts kicking in at the slightest insult towards my own flesh and blood.

"Not by much." Mary responded.

"I'm done with this conversation, Mary."

"You should learn to finish what you've started, Amethyst."

Since when had Mary become so harsh, so conniving? I couldn't help but take Amethyst's side at this point. I mean, she was currently being attacked by a twelve year old with no concern for other's feelings.

  "And you should learn to keep your mouth shut."  

I didn't hear Mary speak again, but I knew I would have to do something about this.

"Mary, how dare you speak to Amethyst in such a way!"

I barged into the kitchen and saw the look on Amethyst's face. She knew I had been listening outside the door, but Mary on the other hand was in shock.

"Daddy, I didn't mean it!" She pleaded.

"That's what you've said every single time. You haven't even been here three weeks and you're causing so much trouble and pain! What has gotten into you?"

"You! Her! I can't stand it! Daddy, she's practically twenty years younger than you! She could be my sister, yet you're supposedly in love with her! I don't get it!"

Mary was in hysterics at this point.

"Mary," I began and pulled her into my lap in one of the kitchen chairs, "Love is this big crazy thing. We can't help who we fall in love with."

"But what about mom?" Mary asked sadly.

"That's the thing. Sometimes, love doesn't work out and people have to go their separate ways. Love is a magical force that pulls people towards each other and brings happiness."

"Do you really love her, daddy?"

"I really do, Mary."

I looked up at Amethyst and saw the tears welling up in her eyes.

"I guess that's okay..." She said quietly.

"All right, then. Breakfast is ready so let's eat. Paul, don't you have a studio session today?"

"I do. Thank you for reminding me, love. You know you don't have to do that anymore right?"

"She's your assistant. Isn't that her job?"

"She's not my assistant anymore, Mary."

"So she's leaving?" I heard a bit too much excitement in her voice, but I tried to brush it off.

"No, she's not leaving."

"Then what is she doing here?"

"Mary, be nice. Amethyst and I are now a couple."

Mary didn't say a thing, but I could have swore that I heard her mumble something along the lines of "great" under her breath.

We sat down for breakfast and I tried to ease the tension with small talk, but I could feel the negative energy radiating off of Mary.

p.s: thank you all so much for 1k reads and for all the votes and comments (they're really encouraging)

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