Chapter 8

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When you lose someone, it stays with you... Always reminding you of how easy it is to get hurt..
-Elena Gilbert {The Vampire Dairies}


"My baby! Are you okay??" I heard my mother, when I opened my eyes.
"What happened darling?"
"Nothing Mom! I'm fine!"

She starred at me for a while and then covered her mouth with her hand and went outside sobbing!

"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Liam I'm not in a mood to talk! OKAY!!"
"Can you guys give us a minute??"
"Sure" Cass and Dad replied and left the room!

He locked the room! And drag the curtains that fully covered the door.

"Now! Are you telling me that what has happened or should I ask that my way?!?"
"Huh! I'm not scared! Please I need to be alone!"
"J! You have to tell me what happened! It's important for me to know!"
"What would you do if you get to know the bullshit story of mine!"
"We can sort it out together!"
"It can't be!"
"Please I beg you, tell me!"
"Why the hell do you care so much for me! I can handle everything myself! OKAY!!"
"So you're not gonna tell me??"
"Yeah! Leave ME here ALONE!!" "UNDERSTOOD??"
"I'm not leaving you like this!"
"You wanna hear the story of mine! That I got broken! That I lost what I Loved?? That why I didn't wanna change??"
"You're dying for that stupid jerk!!"
"Liam I don't know why!! Why Liam?? Why did I fall in Love with Him?? Why??"
"It's not you're fault! I'm always here with you, by you're side!"
"That's why I didn't wanna change"
I said him and hugged him tightly! I felt relaxed and loved! I know he will always be there by my side and never leave me alone!
"J! Things happen for reason.. Whether it's for the better or the worse, you just have to learn to deal with it!"
"It's too difficult! Too damn difficult" I started crying out aloud! I couldn't stop myself!
"I know it hurts a lot when you want something and then you see that you can't get it! But trust me there's a meaning behind everything! Whether it's the right time with the wrong person, or the wrong time with the right one, eventually things will fall into place! And at that time you'll be happy that why it never worked out with the wrong ones!
"How am I gonna be back to normal??"
"We'll 3 take a few weeks off from college.. And we will go somewhere to enjoy and make you forget everything!"
"Promise me you guys won't leave me alone!"
"Pinky promise J"

And then he laughed and made me smile too! He unlocked the door and then Mom and Dad came in.. I talked to them relaxed because everything has a first time.. Yeah I loved him but maybe that love wasn't so strong after all and I'll let it go! I have Cassie and Liam, Mom and Dad and my monkeys with me!

"Hey darling!"
"Hey Cass!"
"So everything's fine now??"
"Well! I heard everything! Literally sorry that I couldn't give you two privacy!" She said laughing!
"You bitch!!"
"Well I wrote something for my ex-boyfriend a week ago!! Wanna hear?? Maybe it will make you feel better!"
"Oh Really? Then let's take some fun!" Liam said.. He was just sitting behind me and my head was on this laps..
"Please begin" he said again..
"Okay! Well, It's not that I don't like you.. The problem is that you get on my fucking nerves and all I want to do is blow your ugly, fake face off with a fucking bazooka! So no, it's not that I don't like you! It's that I HATE YOU BITCH!!!"
"Awesome!!" Liam said clapping and he insisted me to clap too..

Besties are literally awesome!! Life is like and elevator, at some stage you have to let some people go! Liam is right! Things happen for a reason! If you want to get what's in front of you than you have to let go what's behind you! I have my friends through out my life, my mom and Dad, my little monkeys and I don't want anything else! If he doesn't care about me then why the hell should I care... I can live happily and I will. We will go somewhere for some weeks and when I'll return back I'll be normal and be only me! I am a girl and I can face any difficulty because I am born to be strong not to be weak and leave my goals! Because when something bad happens to you, you have three choices!
1) You can either let it define you..
2) Let it destroy you!
3) Or let it strengthen you!!
And I'll strengthen myself! And live happily and I'll find someone who is worth my time and who will love me to the moon and back! And I know I'll find him soon or he'll find me himself and then never he'll let me go!

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