Chapter 17 - Onix

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Onix's POV

I couldn't sleep. Half the night had already and passed and I had told Sade to go to sleep, what felt like hours ago. Kennedy was still snuggled into my chest, after falling asleep immediately after we had finished our conversation; I couldn't blame her, after the onslaught of information she had received today, I would've done the same. I couldn't begin to comprehend how she must feel, she found her Uncle and found out what her parents were like in one day.

Her parents. My parents. They had been friends. I couldn't help but dwell on the fact that my parents had died, trying to protect Kennedy and her parents. They left me alone so that they could keep them alive; that is if they are still alive even after all of that. There were s many gaps in the story that I wanted to fill in for her, like how she had ended up in the prison or what had really happened to her parents.

I sighed deeply and looked down at the sleeping girl against me. Her face relaxed, her breathing even, her eyelids fluttering. She was beautiful. It's a good thing Sade couldn't read my mind, because he would have been laughing at my adoration for Kennedy ages ago. Though, to be honest, he already knew and I couldn't help but think of his love for Annie. Yeah, that's right; Sade told me he was in love with Annie. He had told me when we left the cave, whilst we were walking ahead of the girls, right before we had met Sterling, actually. That was probably why we didn't hear him coming, because we were in such an in depth conversation about our... our... feelings. I shudder at the thought, Finch had always said 'you never tell a girl you like her, it just makes you look stupid'. It was stupid advice, but it made me want to avoid talking about this stuff with anyone, especially any of the guys, because I knew it would just end in complete and utter embarrassment. Sade was different though, he had always been a little more emotional than I had and just ignored any teasing that had come from any of the boys about it, but he was a great guy to talk to, especially if we had wanted to let out some steam if we were angry or anything like that. I hadn't admitted my complete feelings to Sade, but after he told me his secret, I felt obligated to tell him about how I like Kennedy. He had only snorted and replied with a snarky answer, saying how obvious that was. We hadn't talked any further on the the topic because of meeting Sterling.

Kennedy's Uncle seemed like an alright guy, there wasn't anything that told me otherwise and I could definitely see the resemblance between him and Kenny, to know he wasn't lying about them being related. It was nice to know that Kenny wasn't completely alone in the world without any family. I could tell that she was feeling awkward when I had pulled her into my arms before falling asleep, she had tensed up and gone quiet before relaxing when I teased her about me being her pillow, once she had gotten comfortable. I knew it was because her Uncle was there and she wouldn't know his reaction to our 'relationship' or whatever it was.

As I rethought over the conversation we had had with Sterling, I remembered him saying about our parents keeping us apart, from when we were young. Why would they have done that? There must have been a valid reason to do so; maybe it was to do with the Archives, maybe they had read something that meant we should stay apart, maybe us being together was dangerous for us both. I shook that thought out of my head. I wasn't going to abandon her now, not after all we had been through so far. Then there was the fact that I was totally into her, but she wouldn't know that.

Kennedy twitched in her sleep, burying her face further into my chest, then sighed before relaxing again. I brushed a bit of hair away from her face and kissed her forehead, like i had done before she had fallen asleep. Just watching her sleep made me relax and made my eyelids feel heavy.

I will always be here for you, was my last thought before I passed out.


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