Chapter Thirty (Deric.Drama.Drugs.)

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I drive from school leaving my boyfriend behind in the hand of my guy friends. I know this party is going to be all about boys night, their friends or whoever they're inviting from the other side are the only one on the guest list. Neither i, Chelsea, Courtney, Lexie, Britt or Christina are coming tonight.

That i am taking to my advantage. I've texted Devin to meet me ASAP at a nail salon, i've been bowling and my manicurist said that my babies are going to have multiple attemp at making it as perfect as it used to. That's how damaging bowling is. It's dirty, it ruins your hand, the shoes are horrible but unless you're with someone like Logan it is not worth it.

I arrived about 15 minutes faster than Devin, i'm already at my table rambling to my manicurist Tanya about the bowling thing. A quarter way into it anyways.

"Okay, what is it why ASAP? You have to know i left all of my art props in the hands of the deliquents a.k.a the detention kids. So this better be an 11 on the scale of 1 to 10 in importance" he puts his hands on his waist

"It is. Our window is coming closer than i thought. I just figured out, why don't you come tonight?"

"Tonight? Come where?"

"To Brandon's party! Doh"

"How would i know, i'm not invited anyway"

"No no, i know. But i also know that the people there are going to be freaks and plus ones of freaks, so you being there, no one would question who you are"

"I am trying so hard not to take that as an insult"

I groan dramatically out of frustation "Just listen, i know you know we all know that my guy friends will indeed get drunk so hard that i bet i can make Eric so sexually confused that he would at least make out with you"

"You can?"

"Yes, yes i can"

"Let's hit the rodeo drive right now, and lets get this bitch!" he stomp  out of the booth

"Wait wait! Let me finish my session first!"

***************               ***************

Devin is sitting on my passanger's seat chewing on his nails, such an ironic thing that he was there waiting for me getting my nails done just earlier. I swear anytime soon he will draw blood on one of his fingers and Eric would get turned off when he sees it, even pissed drunk he still could, i think, maybe. The music can be heard from twelve houses away, and knowing where Brandon lives--that's pretty damn loud.

The gate automatically open in the reconition of my voice and we chose not to park in the basement incase something goes wrong and we have to flee as fast as we could.

I came out first and basically drag Devin into the house

Looking at how things were done i'd say Cassadra did a little decorating before the party, too million-dollar-open-house for a high school guys party. And, ah, the party.. if Aaron is in it bet this house is gonna blow. Just like the last party of his i went to, and my own which i kinda hosted, but boys version which means freakier.

And since when does the guest have costumes?

"Oh shit" Devin says


"This is it"

"Yeah, but don't worry i told you Eric would.."

"No" he cuts me off "Not him, the party"

"What about it?"

"It's the Class A party"

"Well the beautiful people did throw it, what did you expect?"

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