Chapter Thirty Four (Junior Prom part 2)

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I'm waiting by Logan's car, tapping on my chunky heels impatiently. I keep looking on my phone screen every five minutes. I'm keeping count, it's been more than half an hour since his last period, i wonder where he is. I can't help but thinking that he's actually having second thoughts about us.

First sign was that he bails on sex, like he feels guilty about it

Second one was that he's a little cold earlier today and it looks like he's been avoiding me too

Now it's almost six and he hasn't even show up... okay maybe not "almost six" but it's been a god damn long time and the sky is getting darker by the minutes now

The parking lot was half empty when Logan finally gets out from the building, he's walking with his usual pace yet there's a sense of rush to it this time, like he's on he has to be somewhere else right now, and behind him is a frizzy red haired girl that looks a lot like Merida. I can make out that she was calling his name right before he turned around and they talked in a hurry before they wave goodbye to eachother as the girl runs the other way.

As a bitter, jelous, insecure girlfriend all i could think about was ther fuck? who waves goodbye, it's the 21st century for crying out loud

Fast walking to his car and smiles when he sees me, i can't help but smile back regardless of what i  was thinking. I lean against his door and he stands in front of me giving me a kiss on the forehead "i can't believe you've been waiting for me this whole time"

"Well i did"

"I know your last period was hours ago"


He sighs "right, but i'm glad you stuck around. so you want to talk?"

"In the car, and before we do that... this might sound like an odd request but, can you kiss me first?"

Logan gives me his smirk and lean in slowly, he gives me a brief yet lingering peck "is that better?"

"Much" give him a wide grin

He opens the door to his back seat and let me get in first, then slam the door behind him

"Now that we'e actually talking i'm actually not sure how to start this" i admit

"How about your question?"

"Right, i imagine you've rehearsed how to answer it anyway so... What happened the other day?"

"Well, obviously, i freaked out because... because i was nervous and i'm affraid that i'll get it wrong, what if you don't like me anymore after that cause i was so terrible at it, what if i freak you out, what is too far what is not freaky enough, what do you like, what do i like..."

"Shut up" i put my hand over his mouth, smiling at his ridiculousness "first, doesn't seem like you rehearsed it well. Second, i am so turned on by you all the time, and when you make a move on me and go all out without hesitation, scratching my back tossing me around.." i try to make my voice as sexy yet convincing as possible "it was the best feeling, so hot" i nod "and i'm so attracted to you, you can't even imagine how sexually frustated i am"

we both end up laughing "so, this is a silly conversation"

"I know" i said

"I know now that i've nothing to worry about, but i still don't want our first time to be just anytime"

"You dont want it to be spontanious?"

"I want it to be special, for the two of us, you know. It's sort of my first time, i don't want to dissapoint you or drive you away, i mean,  i've been waiting for this for so long. I wan't everything to be as perfect as they can possibly be cause i'm gonna be with someone i really love and... shit"

did he just say the 'L' word by accident? Did he mean it? What if he doesn't, what if he does? Oh no, what do i say, how do i react? Do i love him back? I don't know, but i do care about him a lot and i've never felt this intense before about a boyfriend. As cliche as it sounds

As the seconds go by me with my dumbstruck expression can only look into his bright green eyes, his pupils dialating. So he is saying the truth. That thrills and scares me even more, but a smile creeps onto my face"I want it to be speacial too"

He smiles, he's so gorgeous. I think that's the first time i've ever used that word on him

He takes my hand in his and squeeze it before bringing it to his lips and kiss the back and put it on his chest. Oh my god, where did he learn to do this. This is such a sexy move.

"Can you say that again?" i suddenly long for the words that frightened me a moment ago

"I love you?" he dumbly asks


"I love you" he repeats it with as much if not more heart as before

he let go of my hand and put his arm around me, my head on the crook of his neck. I've never had quite the same sensation when Danny said it to me. I wasn't electrified. Again, as cliche as that sounds.

"Do you know prom is a couple of weeks away?"

"Yes i was just been told by someone today"



"Right, she wont stop talking about it"

"Yeah, so are you going?"

"My date hasn't asked me yet"

"I mean, are you interested in going?"

"Dress up, have a romantic night with my boyfriend after midterm plus i have an actual reason to shop beforehand, not to mention i would finally see you in a tux... hmm, i guess the idea is tempting"

"Do you want a grand promposal or are you good with just would you go to prom with me?"

"Anything you do would be great with me."

"Well, not with me" he puls out a rose buquet from the back  and open the car door behind him, leading me out with him

From the roof a wide ass banner rolls down, it spells out Will you go to prom with me? rose petals are being thrown from the roof, little red christmas lights are everywhere in the trees by the cars--giving dim romantic yet very sexy theme to the scene under a perfectly starry night in California. Who knew?

I mean, i get that grand gestures are expected these days for promposals but i wasn't expecting this from him. Danny i knew was an over the top person, he would've had chocolate fountains, backup dancers, live music and choirs singing god knows what

"How did you manage to get all of these done? How many people are actually involved in all this?"

"Well, Lex told me you're a big fan of grand gesture. So i thought"

"Yeah, you thought..." i shake my head in disbelief still smiling. I look up the people up the roof, one of them is that girl Logan was waving to earlier. He just wont let me not to fall in love with him.

"You shouldn't. I mean, i already said yes."

"I wanted to do something nice"

Before i could say anything a blunt loud annoying voice that all so familiar to me shouts from the roof top "What did she say?!"

"Courtney! Don't shout like that" Lex says

"It's fine, i'm pumped. This is like the most succesful romantic gesture ever pulled, and i wanna know what that bitch has to say"

"I heard that Court"

"Oh, sorry baby. What did you say?!"

"Yes, i said yes!"

And people from the roof top cheers. This is the most cliche thing that has ever happen to me, or anyone i know for that matter. And this kind of scene would make me barf in movie teathers but right now, right now is just right.

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