Chapter Thirty Five (Junior Prom part 3)

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"Mom, what if he doesn't like the dress, or what if he thinks this neclace is too flashy? Or, or what if i step on his foot when we dance, i'm wearing stilts mom!" I freak out in my walk in closet

"Honey, you're a terrific dancer" Mom tries to calm me down, she take off the gold neclace and replace it with a beige chocker

"But he's not. At least i don't think so" i start biting on my nails

"Stop that Meghan, you'll swallow the glitter" she slaps my hand away

"But i'm so nervous, he told me he loves me"

"Yes baby, you said that"

"Why aren't you reacting? What? No 'I don't want you to get too serious honey, this is highschool afterall, i'm sure there'll be more handsome charming boys in collage'" i mimick her

"Nope, never said that"

"Why aren't you freaking out?"

"Because you already are and i don't want to make things worse. And besides, Logan seems like a nice young man, even dad seem to really like him"

"That's because he's the only one that actually act impressed by his fish album"

"That's my fishing records sweetheart, and he knows how to appreceate a real man's sport" my Dad suddenly peeps in with his pijamas and his left hand over his eyes, while his right holding on to the door frame

"Dad! What are you doing in my closet?"

"You two have been up here for two hours and i'm feeling left out. Don't worry, my eyes are covered"

"I'm decent Dad, you can open your eyes now"

He then take a peep between his fingers before fully remove his hand "You look beautiful honey"

"I know!" my mom squeels "We made that happen Rob"

"No, ew! C'mon you guys, shouldn't you be asleep by now?"

"What, no, we had plenty of sleep on the jet it was a 10 hour flight. Beside we want pictures" Dad says. They just flew back this afternoon and got here about 3 hours ago. I was suprised to see them home after my meni-pedi session earlier today

"Oh no" i whine

"We don't want to miss important days like this"

"Wait, are you saying you're supposed to be somewhere else right now?"

"Abu Dhabi. But it can wait"

"Mom, Dad, you shouldn't"

"No, honey. We've missed most of your life already, and probably will miss even more but there are some moments that are just too important" Mom says

"More important than any business. This is one of them, but don't hold your breath you probably wont see us again until your wedding day" Dad says with an 'oof' at the end cause my mom elbowed him

I just laugh and hug them briefly saying thank you.

"So, when is your date coming?"

"At 5"

"We only have half an hour left!" My mom suddenly shouts

"Oh no, my makeup is not fully done"

"Hurry hon, to the mirror!" the three of us go to the mirror panicly, while my dad try to call for Brenda for extra help

"Honey, where are your mascaras?"

"In my makeup box"

"It's not here"

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