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Hello! This is for @MidnightsLaughter you probably changed your username too. Just tell me and I'll change it. I hope you enjoy!


*Deidri's POV*

"Kevin, please could you just stop for a couple minutes?" I plead to him. Kevin has been working on translating the tablet for the past couple days non stop, he really needs a break. He sighed and said "No Deidri, I have to get this done. Sam and Dean are counting on it." I roll my eyes and mumble "They want you to be healthy too."

I stalk off to my room and lay on my bed. Why can't he stop for just a couple of minutes? Sure he stops to get food and go to the bathroom, but he won't spend time with anyone else. Don't even get me started on his personal hygiene, it's horrible. I sigh and grab my laptop, maybe I'll find something to do.

I scroll through Tumblr absentmindedly until I hear a frustrated yell. I walk out of my room and see Kevin still at the table. He works himself too hard, maybe a distraction will help. Quietly, I tip toe over to the table where Kevin has his head down. I grabbed the tablet and said "Come get me."

His head whipped up as I ran off with it. Weaving through the hallways, I giggle as I see Kevin charging after me. I ran faster until I of course hit a dead end. Turning around, I saw Kevin run up next to me out of breath. "Alright, I guess I need a break, but not long. Okay?" He said huffing. I smile and hand him back the tablet. "Can we watch a movie?" I ask him.

He nodded and we walked to my room. I set up my laptop as Kevin chose a movie. "The Wizard Of Oz?" Kevin asked as he held up the movie. I smile and say "Sure! I love that movie." I pat the spot next to me on the bed and he joins me. I load up the movie and we watch it. Of course I knew all the words to the songs so I had to sing along.

Kevin just smiled at me and laughed. We made comments about the movie and compared them to other remakes of the movie. "Wicked is actually a pretty good musical. It's a great origin story for some of the characters." I pointed out. "True but no one can top the original." Kevin said. I nodded and said "Agreed." Soon the movie was over and he said "I should probably get back to translating, thank you for taking my mind off things."

"No problem Kevin, you needed it." I replied. He got up from the bed and said "We should do it again sometime." I replied with "Yeah. I would like that." From that day on, every Wednesday night, we would watch a movie and enjoy each other's company.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

Sorry it was so short, I'm tired and wanted to go to bed but I had to update this so....


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