Sam and DeanxSelena

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Hello! This is for SelenaWinchester1432. Enjoy!


* Dean's POV *

Sam and I had just got done ganking some vamps when in the glove compartment one of our many phones started to ring. I gave Sam a questioning look as he looked for the ringing phone. When he finally found it, it was dads phone. Weird the only other time it rang it was Adam well the ghoul Adam. Sam answered it with a cautious hello. He put it on speaker and on the other line was a scared sounding girl. She said "Um hello is John Winchester there?" I rolled my eyes, this must be a trap. I replied "No he is not here he has been dead for a couple years now." I could hear the girl on the other line start to cry. Then say "Well this is his daughter Selena. Who might you be?" I started at Sam with wide eyes, I didn't know that dad had another affair. Sam said "Um well we are his sons Sam and Dean." She gasped and said "Dad told me about you guys and, well, the family business. We both were stunned by this response.

After we got her address, we drove to her house. Sam knocked on the door and we waited. About a couple seconds later a girl answered the door. She said "Are you guys Sam and Dean?" We nodded it must be Selena. She let us in and went to the living room. After an awkward silence I said "So what happened here then?" Selena sighed and said "Well my mom, older brother Scott, and my younger brother Josh were all in the living room watching a movie while I made popcorn, and we all heard a low growl outside. Then the door broke down to reveal a dark brown werewolf standing there. I knew about hunting and about werewolves. I grabbed my silver knife and ran to the living room to find my mom already dead and Scott barely alive. Then I found the wolf over top of Josh. I tried to stop it but it killed Josh before I stabbed it."

* Selena's POV *

After I told my story to Sam and Dean I started crying. Sam came over and pulled me into his chest. When I finished Dean said "Sam, can I talk to you for a moment?" He nodded and walked out. After a moment they came back into the room with smiles on their faces. I looked at them curiously and said "What's going on?" Sam walked over to me and said "Dean and I have been talking and we don't want you to live with some foster parents, so we decided to take you in. How does that sound?" I couldn't believe it! Someone actually cares about me? Well my mom and brothers did but it was just average. Excitedly I replied "Yes that would be amazing!"

> 3 months later <

* Selena's POV *

I have been with Sam and Dean for about three months now. I am. Absolutely loving it! They have taught me more about hunting. I even met Cas. Well most of the angels we run in also like Gabriel and Balthazar. Sam,Dean, and I have gotten really close. I even have started considering them my family.

Sorry that it was a crappy ending. Anyways please go check out my other book please! Bye!

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