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           I saw him everyday, in the same spot, doing the same thing... He seemed like a big mystery, just waiting to be figured out.

I saw him from the window again sitting on the same towel he's been for the past week. Most of the time he was in deep thought. He would read his comics for maybe 10 minutes or so, but then he would put it down and stare out into the ocean. I didn't blame him, it was beautiful.

I put the glass up to my lips and took another sip of my water. I was contemplating on whether I should go outside and approach him or not. After debating in my head, I finally grew a pair and went for it.

The warm sand sent a tingle through the bottom of my bare feet. The sun caused me to squint my eyes as the warmth kissed my shoulders. I took a deep breath as I stepped up to the foot of his towel.

He didn't break his stare from the ocean when he said "what do you want?"

I crossed my arms beneath my chest taken back by how rude he just came off. "I just wanted to say hi, I'm your new neighbor."

"Okay, and what does that mean to me?"

"Why do you insist on being so rude? I'm just trying to be nice."

"Well, stop." He grabbed the towel from the sand with one hand as he held his comic in the other. He walked away without saying another word. This is exactly why I don't try to befriend people, I let them befriend me.

He was all I could think about for the rest of that day. He had a hard exterior built up, and there was obviously a reason why. I didn't know this kid from a hole in the wall so as to way I was so determined to figure him out was still utterly confusing.

Alina, Lucas and I have been hanging out more each day. Evidently, I liked Lucas more then Alina. Simply because he wasn't prissy and had a stick up his ass like she did.

"So.. Um, who was the friend that got... You know..." I asked. I didn't wanna come off rude with this, a death of someone close to you is a touchy subject, under any circumstances.

"Lisa. Her name was Lisa." Alina answered. She looked down at the ground, and Lucas did the same.

"Damn. What happened?"

"She was stabbed in the chest. Apparently because she came after Christopher with a knife first." Lucas replied.

"Wow. I'm so sorry." I said, kissing my teeth. I wonder what actually went down. You knowthere's three sides to every story.

"Thanks." She said, then finally switched the subject. "You know, I think it's time we introduce you to the others."

I raised an eyebrow. I only thought it the two of them.

"Our other friends. Can you come with us to the mall tomorrow?" Lucas questioned. I mean, I really had nothing else to do.

"Yeah, sure. Why not."

"Cool." He smiled.

         I was greeted by Alina and Lucas at the entrance of the mall. Alina instantly grabbed my arm and dragged me to the food court, Lucas trailing behind us.

There were a group of people sitting down at one of the tables, they all looked up simultaneously when they seen Alina, Lucas and I approaching them.

"Violet, Giovanni, and Cam, meet Jade." She introduced. I shyly waved at the three and they returned the favor. Giovanni and Cam practically eye-raped me, I expected that. I know I said I didn't judge, but right off the bat I could tell that they were fuckboys.

"She just moved over here, she lives right next to Christopher." Lucas informed them. The looks on their faces were just a dead give away to the fact that they weren't so fond of Christopher either.

"Oh god. Don't get too close to that kid, he's a damn psychopath." Violet chimed in.

I just stood there while they all went off about their differences with Christopher. The words that were coming out of their mouthes were just so hateful. I didn't know what to say.

Besides the fact that these people were spoiled little rich brats, they weren't as bad as I thought. In fact, I did have a little fun today. But I was still going to keep my normal guard up, there's no telling what could happen.

It was about 8:30 pm when I rolled back to my house. Mom and Jesse were on the couch watching a movie when they noticed me slipping into the house.

"You made some friends." Jesse smiled, I nodded.

"Yeah, not much but it's a start."

"That's what I like to hear." Mom added. "Hey, did you talk to the boy next door yet? I've been seeing him on the beach a lot, all he does is read comics."

"Yeah, I did. But he's a little... Anti-social." I said.

"Figures. I've been hearing a lot about his mom, this sure is a small town."

"Yeah... Well I'll be on the beach."

"Be careful."

I grabbed a towel from the bathroom closet and proceeded to make my way onto the beach. I saw Christopher's porch light on but I didn't see any trace of him.

I dropped the towel down where I stood and continued to walk towards the shore line. The water was freezing. I flinched as a small little wave washed up onto my feet. I walked a little further more into the ocean, the sun had set at this point and it was dark.

"What are you doing?" I heard a slightly familiar voice call. I turned around and it was Christopher. "Do you see how dark it is out here?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't, I'm just saying." He shoved his hands into his jean pockets, standing straight up and looking me directly in the eyes. He shivered slightly at the gust of wind that had just passed over.

Without saying another word, I turned back around and looked down at the water that covered my feet. I was getting used to it so it wasn't as cold.

"Don't go out any further." He said again. I sighed dramatically and turned back around.

"You know, for someone that doesn't care you sure are persistent."

He chuckled a bit, and then he walked away. I felt the slightest bit of annoyance come over me when I stepped out of the water. I snatched my towel up from the ground and went inside. But I stood at the patio door for a few moments. I watched Christopher as he stepped up his porch stairs, he looked up at the sky, hands still in pockets; then he went inside.

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