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           "What?" I said, getting up from Chris' desk chair. I don't think the information I just heard made it correctly to my brain.

"My father is my brother, Jade. My mom was having sex with my brother... 17 years ago." He whispered the last part.

Ding ding ding. That was it right there! The bitch he calls his mother is sick and twisted. I already knew from that point that she was molesting Chris, she had to have been! "Oh my God Chris. I don't even know what to say."

"Me either." He said lowly, looking down at the photo.

"Jade, I don't mean to be rude but can you go? I need some time to myself."

I nodded my head. I understood completely, that was a lot to take in. Although, I was afraid of what he was going to do after I left. I didn't question him though, I left quickly out his backdoor and continued to read my magazine on the sand. I struggled though, considering that the only light I had was coming from my porch & Chris'.

          Just before I was about to make my way inside, Chris' mom pulled up recklessly into her driveway. Her eyes were fixed on me all the way until she made her way up the porch steps. I wanted go back there so bad and bring Chris back home with me, but I know I couldn't do that. My heart was pounding out of my chest. It was way too early for her to be home.

Reluctantly, I made my way back inside. I changed into a pair of sweats and a tshirt, and climbed into my bed. I stared blankly at my ceiling. My heart was aching for Chris right now, I just wanted to hold him and tell him that everything was going to be okay, even if they weren't.

I heard faint screaming, and it wasn't coming from my house. With knitted eyebrows, I got back up from my bed and went into the hallway. I stopped as I tried to block everything else out and listen. It sounded like a woman yelling, Chris' mom.

I hauled ass down the stairs and practically jumped off the back patio. I was startled when I saw Lucas standing by Chris' gate. It looked like he had been eavesdropping.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I asked.

He jumped when he saw me. He fixex his facial expression and cleared his throat. "Oh, uh nothing. I actually came to see you."

"See me for what?"

"Just checking up on you. You know you haven't really been hanging out with us."

I sighed. I really didn't wanna have this conversation right now, although the screaming did stop. I just didn't have time to hang out with them. I was on a mission.

"I know, I've just been busy." I said, which was almost true.

"Alright.. As long as you're okay. You know me and Alina only live 2 blocks away."

"I know, I didn't forget." I half smiled.

"Good. I, uh, I'll see ya later?"

I nodded. We hugged quickly and he left.

I stood at Chris' gate for a few minutes just to be sure. I didn't hear anything else, so I began to make my way back towards my porch.

It wasn't until I heard dishes breaking, and that's when I said fuck it. Chris told me not to pop up at his house but I just couldn't.

I knocked on the door three times, but I got no answer. Just as I was about to knock again, the door swung open only to reveal his mom. She looked flustered and out of breath, I peeked over her shoulder and saw Chris sitting on the floor with his face in his hands. I pushed past her and ran over to him, I didn't give a shit.

"Chris! What happened are you alright!?"

"Excuse me!" His mom yelled.

"Jade what are you doing here? Go home, please." He said. Dry tears covered his cheeks, and his eyes were red. I looked around the kitchen and saw the broken dishes on the floor.

I did something risky. Very risky.

I kissed him. Right on the lips. And made direct eye contact with his mom while I did it.

I left out of his back door and slammed it shut.

I gotta do something.

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