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          Today was the first day of school, and I wasn't even excited. I'd been enjoying the summer, and I'm kinda bummed out that it's over now.

Since today was only my first day, Jesse decided to drop me off at school. I went into the guidance office to get everything situated, one of the secretary's printed out my schedule and handed it to me.

As I tried to find my first period class, I bumped into Alina and the gang. They were all walking in the same direction I was and when they saw me all of their eyes lit up.

"What you got first period?" Lucas said, practically snatching my schedule out of my hand. He scanned it carefully and a sly grin appeared across his face. "She got first period with us." He said looking at everyone.

"Lit! Let's go!" Alina said. I followed them to first period, which was English class. When I walked in, I automatically recognized a face. Chris.

He was sitting all the way at the back of the classroom, using his hands to prop him up.

His eyes immediately reverted over to me when he noticed my arrival. He had a disgusted look on his face when he saw who was behind me. I felt horrible, considering these people talk so bad about him. I really like Chris. Like a lot.

We all scattered across the classroom trying to find seats. It wasn't until Cam approached Chris and told him to get up. I hadn't sit down yet, I was watching this from the front of the classroom.

Chris looked at Cam like he was crazy. When he decided to ignore him, Cam grabbed Chris by his neck.

"What are you doing? Stop!" I ran over to Cam and shoved him.

"You're actually friends with this basket-case?" He questioned, looking between Chris and I. At this point we were the center of attention in the classroom. Even the teacher was watching, like it was some sort of entertainment.

"You act like there's not another 10 seats in this classroom." I replied.

"But I want this one."

"Well clearly he's fucking sitting there! You don't just go grabbing people by the neck cause they sitting in a seat you wanna sit in."

He didn't say anything, in fact he sighed dramatically and went to go sit in another seat.

"Are we done here?" The teacher asked, looking at all of us.

"I don't know why you're defending him. He's a fucking murderer." Alina said. The whole class gasped, including me.

Chris didn't say anything. He grabbed his stuff and stormed out of the classroom. I looked at her and sucked my teeth. I left the class and ran after Chris.

"Wait, Chris!" I called.

"What Jade?" He snapped, spinning around. "What do you want now?"

"What do you mean what do I want now? What the fuck is your problem!"
"Everything." He said. He walked away from me, and that was that.

          I'd been thinking about Chris all day. I just wanted to see him. That was my baby, lowkey. Whether he knew it or not. I didn't care about how crazy he thought he was, or how many problems he thought he had. I didn't care about what everyone thought of him, or even if he killed someone. Although, that story did seem a little sketchy. But I just didn't care. I saw something in him that clearly no one else sees. We have a connection, and I can't deny that.

It was 6 pm and I hadn't seen Chris since I've gotten home from school. I wasn't content with how our last conversation went earlier in the day, so I swallowed my pride and decided to just go to his house. I cleared my throat before I knocked on his door, twice. A few seconds later Chris appeared at the door.

He knitted his eyebrows and looked behind him before speaking. "What the hell are you doing here?" He questioned.

My eyebrows knitted together as well. "The fuck you mean what am I doing here? To see you! I wanna know what's wrong with you."

"Nothing. You can't be here right now."


"Jade, stop as-"

"Who's at the door honey!?" I heard a voice call. It was his mom. She came up beside him and looked at me.

"Oh, you're the neighbor girl." She said. I tried to remain polite as possible, so all I did was nod and smile. "You're a friend of Chris'?" I nodded again.

The look in Chris' eyes insisted that he was a little scared, and that didn't sit too well with me.

There was something really off about this woman, and seeing Chris' facial expression also gave that away.

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