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          Basically what my routine consisted of everyday was going on the beach, reading a magazine or two, and watching Christopher go back in the house everytime I sat down. He was just a big ball of confusion, and rude as hell. But there was just something about him.

I ran the flat iron over my hair one more time before shutting it off and unplugging it. I had to look presentable tonight. Giovanni invited me to a kickback at his house which I was going to with Alina and Lucas, just something to do for the night.

I flattened out my black tanktop and made sure my gold necklace was intact. My father bought it for me on my 15th birthday, probably the only thing I have to remind me of him.

I kissed both of my parents goodbye and quickly rushed out of the front door. Alina and Lucas had been already waiting for me on my porch. They had mugs on both of their faces which insisted they weren't happy about how much time it took me to get ready.

"We've been standing out here for like 20 minutes." Lucas mean mugged me. I chuckled.

"I'm sorry. I can't come out of the house looking raggedy!"

"Yeah whatever let's go, we're already late." Alina said.

Neither of them had a car and I didn't either so we walked. It wasn't that far, maybe 10 minutes tops. It was easy to get lost though, and the dark woods that surrounded both sides of the long street were creepy enough to make you reconsider about where you were going.

Soon we approached a large white ranch-styled house. I smelled the reaking scent of marijuana all the way from the street.

I followed Alina and Lucas up the porch steps, they didn't knock on the door, in fact they walked right in. I recognized only three faces- Giovanni, Cam and Violet. There were five other people scattered amongst the couch but I didn't even acknowledge them.

"Oh look who made it." Giovanni smiled at me. I nodded my head with a slight smile, as I gave a little wave to Violet and Cam.

"Do you want some?" Violet questioned holding up a bottle of Vodka.

I politely declined and shook my head no. "Oh no, I don't drink."

"What? Oh come on, try some." Cam urged. He pulled the bottle out of Violet's hand and stood up to hand it to me. I looked at all of them before taking a swig. It felt like I was drinking bleach, although I've never drank bleach before, this is probably what it felt like.

"Drink some more." Cam said. Giovanni wasn't paying much mind to anything, he sat comfortably on the couch as he kept taking puffs of his blunt. As for everyone else, they each had a bottle in their hand.

I decided to take a leap of faith and practically chug half the bottle of vodka down. It had to be atleast a half hour until I started to feel a buzz, I continued to drink throughout the night because I liked the way I was feeling.

It was 10:04 pm and the alcohol really began to take a toll on me. At this point, everyone was drunk. I had to be home by 10:30 so I thought now would be a good time to start getting the hell up out of here.

I stumbled up off the couch trying to keep my balance. I looked at Alina and Lucas and they both were damn near knocked out, I guess I would be walking home by myself.

Cam noticed me walking over to the front door and he didn't waste anytime getting up to follow me.

"Leaving so soon?" He said, a mixture of henny and vodka was heavy on his breath.

I nodded. "Yes, I have to get home." I stepped one foot out of the door still trying to keep my balance, then he grabbed my arm. It was just an instinct for me to snatch away from him. It was bad enough that I was already drunk, him being drunk as well wasn't going to shed any light onto the situation. "I have to go." I said sternly. He placed both of his hands on my butt and gave it a squeeze. He tried pulling my body onto his and even though I was drunk I was still well aware of what was going on. I punched him in his stomach and he let go just as quickly as he grabbed me.

I stepped out of the house without thinking twice and shut the front door. It was dark and the only light I had was from Gio's windows and my cellphone.

I carefully began to make my way onto the road, I tried my best to keep my balance. The world around me was spinning and I could just feel the vomit forming at the pit of my stomach.

By the grace of God, I made it to my street. I stumbled almost all of the way here, I actually stumbled up the driveway. But instead of going inside, I took my tanktop and jeans off and made my way to the beach at the back of my house.

I was now in my panties and bra stumbling and laughing in the sand. I didn't even notice Christopher sitting on his back porch step until he got up.
It felt like forever as I tried to inch my way toward the shoreline, Christopher stood right next to me.

"Come on, go inside." He said. I scoffed, shooting him a dirty glare.

"Leave me alone." I slurred.

"You're drunk."


"You wanna drown tonight?"

"What's it to you? You don't acknowledge me any other time but now you wanna be captain-save-a-hoe?" I managed to get out. I truthfully didn't even mean to say it, the liquor was getting to me.

He chuckled a little. The full bright moon in the night sky shone down on the both of us, revealing his pearly white teeth.

"Can you just go in the house please? You wouldn't want someone to find your body washed up on the shore. Liquor, darkness and the ocean do not mix."

"Why do you ignore me all of the time?" I asked suddenly, practically ignoring his whole lecture.

"That's not relevant to the topic of discussion right now, just go inside Jade. You're half naked."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "How do you know my name?"

"You and your friends should really keep y'all conversation volume level to a minimum."

"So you've been eavesdropping?" I narrowed my eyes at him even more, and placed my arms across my chest.

He chuckled again. He grabbed my clothes which were a few feet away from where we were standing, and he shoved them into my arms.

Suddenly, a lady appeared at his back door looking at us.

"Chris, time to come inside baby." She called. I was too drunk to even care that I was really standing here in my bra and panties.

He looked at me before turning on his heel. I didn't go inside until I saw him vanish through his backdoor.

All the lights were off which indicated that everyone was sleeping. Using this as a green light, I quietly rushed up the stairs and into my bedroom. My head was spinning, and I couldn't do anything else but fall onto my bed.

The clock read 10:45 and I clenched my chest with relief.

In every one of my stories one of the main characters have to get drunk atleast once, ctfu.

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